
What would you do if your husband's ex called him?

by  |  earlier

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we've been married a year, dating for 2.

she totally slept around on him the whole time they were dating and now she calls crying saying "can we talk" it really made me and him both mad. he hung up on her. I just need a way to tell her to butt out! any suggestions? thanks




  1. It isn't your place to tell her anything. Your husband should tell her, that it was over when they got a divorce, and not to call again. If she does call again he should hang up without a word spoken, she will finally get the idea. Stay united, she is just trying to make you guys fight.

  2. He needs to tell her to move on. He is married now. She had her chance and she messed it up b/c she couldn't keep her legs closed. That's not his problem. If she continues to call, he should get his number changed.

  3. First of all, I'd have to make it so that she doesn't have a way to call him again, like trade cell phones, change the home #, if it won't be too much trouble.  And he is doing the right thing by hanging up on her.  It would just fuel the fire if he talks to her, even if he's telling her that he doesn't want her.  Then, if she continues, I would threaten her with legal action.

  4. My question is how did she get your number home or cell ( which ever she called) If he never had any of his numbers changed then I can understand , but if he did and she is calling then There are alot of questions that need to be answered.

    Since you said that it made him mad as well, then he needs to be the one to tell her not to call him anymore. And she needs to respect that and not call him anymore. BUT why do you have to be the one to tell her not to call I think that he should have already done that, if he has not already.

  5. You could start calling her & bugging her all of the time until she doesn't want to have anything to do with you or your husband ever again. Make her think you're crazy...LOL.

  6. If he hung up on her, there's no need for you to tell her anything, unless she is one of those people that can't take a hint.  If that's  the case i would call her, and let her know that you are now his wife and you are most certainly sure if she were his wife she wouldn't appreciate an ex calling him like they are still the best of friends, and that if she is having emotional turmoil in her life maybe she should see a therapist.


  7. tell her to butt out and move on. she has no business calling  

  8. This is HIS ex and his problem. He needs to tell her to back off not you.

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