
What would you do if your husband did this?

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I'm 9 mos pregnant. I've been told by my doctor that I'm in slow labor. I'm also at work. I got off of work at 4:30 and when I went to leave, I noticed that I have a completely flat tire. I went back into the office and called my husband. He told me that he knew I had a flat tire because he saw it before I left for work this morning and that he didn't tell me because I should be paying attention to things like that. He then informed me that I should change the tire myself. Again, I'm 9 months pregnant and in labor. What should his punishment be if and when I ever get home?




  1. Why is he treating you like a child? He doesn't sound very supportive. And your reaction - ie. what should his punishment be?- is equally childish - very t*t for tat.

    Perhaps the two of you need to have a discussion about behaving with a little more maturity , and kindness towards each other.

  2. Rosie-Your husband is an ***. I think you need to get him out of your life. Life is difficult enough without having to deal with people who put you in difficult situations. i mean, he knows you're preggers and he does this? Have your baby. Make arrangements to leave this guy. He obviously doesn't care about anyone other than himself. It doesn't just boil down to how he feels about you-He's also putting his own child at risk. I know this is the last thing you want to hear when you're having a baby, but really you're better off. Good Luck!!!

  3. i'd say divorce him, only, that's probably what he wants.  So, what i would do is tell him (once u are un-pregnant)....anytime he wants a roll in the hey tell him, "i knew you needed that all week. but i suggest you do it yourself"

  4. Your husbands job is to love and care for you, he should have done something about that.  If my husband did that to me I would be furious next time he wants supper cooked or his clothes washed tell him you think he should be paying attention to things like that and wash his own clothes and cook his own supper. I'll pray for you. Good Luck!

  5. when your in the emergency room and in full blown baby labor tear him apart pull his hair, scream as loud as you can, make as much chaos as possible. no hubby should do that to a 9 month preggy. Congratulations on your baby boy or girl!!!!

  6. I'd be looking into a divorce. Your husband is an evil scumbag. You could have gotten into an accident with that tire being the way that it was. He has no regard for you or his unborn child.  Start looking for an attorney.


    Hope it helped!?

  8. Perhaps you should have asked one of the men you work with to change your tire or give you a ride home.  

    There's no other way to find out why he did that than to ask him.  

    After he tells you why, let him know how much he let you down.  

  9. That guy is a total JACKA**!!  A stranger would be more helpful than he is.  Don't you dare change that tire by yourself - seriously, call on the help of a stranger.

    Paybacks... tonight when he's snug as a bug in a rug... flatten his tire (one that he can't see when he's hopping into the driver's seat).  He'll be late for work - sucks to be him!


  10. His punishment should be a swift kick in the balls.

    What a nut ball you married. Is he by any chance into nascar, country music, tractors, thinks Larry the Cable guy is God, any or all of the above?

    If so, he is probably a redneck and you shouldn't expect anything less.  

  11. Your husband is being very insensitive about your condition.  If he were to read up on pregnancy and how it affects a woman, he would read where women are very forgetful during pregnancy.  He doesn't need to be punished, just educated about the needs and emotions of the pregnant wife.  The flat tire could have put you and your baby's life in extreme danger.  Ask him what would he do if you were killed in a car accident because he failed to attend to the flat tire.  You can't be changing a tire at 9 mos. pregnant. I am sorry that he is acting immature, you certainly do not need this stress right now.

  12. So he let you drive off with a flat tire, didn't tell you and won't help now.  You are 9 months pregnant and still working.

    If I were you, I would make sure to go out and buy the newest car possible - right now - before you go on maternity leave.  Tell him that since you can't depend on a husband to let you know there is a problem with your car, you thought you would get a newer car "for the kid's safety".

    Apparently he doesn't care about the damage done to your car by driving on a flat and the danger it could have put you in - what a total jerk!

  13. Maybe he gave you the flat tire???  Wow!  Every woman should know how to change a tire but, now is not the time for your husband to teach you a lesson.  Not sure what I would do...sorry.  I would be too angry to think.  

  14. OMG!  First, I'd be calling a service to fix my tire... and charge it to said "loving husband".  Next, I'd go out to dinner by myself to my favorite restaurant, and charge it to my "loving husband".  Of course, I'd stay out all night without letting him know where I was nor would I answer my cell phone. Then, I'd try to get a manicure and pedicure and charge it to my loving husband. Then, if labor hasn't begun, I'd stroll in the door happy as a lark around 8 or 9pm.  I'd give him a huge smile and go to bed... alone!

    What a jerk!

  15. Does he always act like this?  I think he was inhumanely cruel. Doesn't he care that you are going to work and having his baby and that's not easy.  I'm not sure if I were you if I would even go home.  He owes you one heck of an apology, a backrub, and I think you should be able to kick him where it counts for being so rude.

  16. Oh would I be ever so mad.  You could of been stuck on the side of the road and about to give labor oh no.  You shouldn't be working at this point you should be at home ready to go to the hospital.  To me it sounds like he doesn't care about you or the baby.  He is selfish and I would leave his azz after the baby is born.

  17. One h**l OF AN *** RAKING!!! If that were me I would invest in an iron skillet and beat the c**p out of him as he was hurrying to remove his belongings from my house. That man should have more respect and concern for his wife and the mother of his child!!! This creep sounds like a Jerry Springer reject. Give him h**l, Honey, and good luck on your baby. Hey there is a thought! If he would do this to you, what will he do to your child?!!? Food for thought!

  18. Tell him he's being a ********. What a tosspot,can't believe some men are really like that.

    Why are you at work at 9 months preg and in slow labour too?r u mad?!!

    You should tell him to go bloody fix it or if he has a car,let his tyres down and see how he likes it. That should be his punishment.

    what an ****.

  19. And the reason I'm so confused is because he's never been like this. We already have one child and he's the best dad and he really tries to take care of me. He's on his way now, but the first reaction of his makes me want to kick him!

    It would be lovely to kick him in the back, but since he has not had a prior history of acting like a jerk in this manner, I would have a very frank, firm talk with him in your calmest voice.  Let him know his timing of "teaching you a lesson" truly was ill-timed.  Basically sucked.  As much as you understand he wants to make sure you are equally aware of car maintenance, at this time, you have much more on your plate than car maintenance thoughts.  He needs to be aware equally as much because his choices may indirectly or directly affect not only his adult wife, but his children as well.  Remind him that is was a good thing you weren't in hard labor needing to be at the doctor's now and the flat tire delay would've compromised the healthy delivery of his 2nd child.

    Ask him to reserve the lessons to a time when it may not have "dire" consequences to anybody's well being as much as you appreciate him wanting your involvement with knowing how to be self-sufficient.  In other words, even when us women are quite capable, we still like to rely on our man for our times of "distress" because we still believe in the fairy tale knight in shining armor mantra.

    Good luck on baby number 2 and I hope things get worked out with hubby two.  I initially be madder than a hatter, but then of course I be having my stern conversation with my husband on "what on earth were you thinking at the time as I know you were not thinking right in your head?!?!"  Also, "Please, don't you ever do that again because I know you care for me more than you just showed at this time."

    I like laying on reverse guilt.

  20. I don't have a husband because I'm not g*y, and I'm underage.  But you can always kick him in the balls and tell him to change it because your pregnant with his baby.

  21. He doesn't sleep in the same bad as you until the baby is potty trained!

    What an assholescumbag!

    WOW... I don't know what would be appropriate a punishemnt for this horrible man...

    I"m sorry you decided to breed with such scum... Do a bit more research next time! LOL - Just kidding! *HUG!

  22. What??  His punishment should be divorce and child support papers...Tell him next time you will use your spousal support check  to pay someone to change your tire...  

    Leave that crazy man..  If nothing else he could have change the tire for the baby, or better yet he should be lucky that you are still working.  

  23. what a a$$! Express your shock and make him feel stupid.How can he act that way?He's supposed to take care of you AND his child you are carrying! You shouldn't even be at, you are gonna need it.He'd better help with the baby too! I wish you well sweety.

  24. I'm a guy...and eventhough my ex wife did me DIRTY - I could never just leave her out there like that, pregnant or no. That is f*cked off that a man could do that to any woman especially his own wife.

    Wow ma, you picked a winner!

    If a guy ever did this to my sisters, aunts or mother...let's just say he'll need an orthopedic surgeon!

  25. Thats really sad that your husband didn't change your tire himself-let alone tell you that you had one.  Obviously he isn't a child so I don't know if a punishment is the right thing to do, but maybe you should express to him how you feel and explain to him how you are preoccupied by your pregnancy.

  26. I try hard to keep my wife as happy as possible otherwise she will withheld night time s*x time from me!  I know the consequences of an upset wife. If I recall, me having 3 lovely adorable super awesome kiddos, I never, never gave my wife a hard time during pregnancy!!!!!  I have 7b,10b,13 g.  I was always there for her!!!!!   For all these years of marriage I work my butt off to put food on the table and have a nice comfortable roof shelter for us all.

  27. First let me start by asking you why are you working? That is really the question that's on every bodies minds.  What kind of man would want his lady working who is in slow labor?  Next about the tire thing, because I am a woman who hates drama. If I where you I wouldn't even say anything about it. When I got home I would act as if nothing ever even happened. Don't play into the I hate you game, your better than that. You have an unborn child to consider, and you know stress is not good for the baby.    

  28. OMG! What a pig!! I would tell him exactly what I thought of his behavior and be so pissed I'd throw stuff!! That always gets their attention! I'm sure someone from work will help you.  I would make him sleep on the couch if I could and definitely give him the silent treatment for at least a week! What a jerk!

  29. First of all honey, he needs to be reminded that YOU'RE 9 MONTHS PREGNANT!! Then, explain to him that you didn't notice it, so therefore, he should've told you. Because you're pregnant, you can't be expected to fix a flipping flat tire. Ask someone in the office if they could help you out because basically, your husband's being a jerk to you. When you get home, give him a little example of the silent treatment, and when/if he asks what's wrong, tell him how you felt when you told him that, and why you think it's wrong.

    Hope I helped!

  30. What an utter jerk!

    Could think of all sorts of horrible things you might do to him but, in all honesty, I think the most appropriate thing for you to do is starting looking for the door marked "Exit" for you and junior.

    Hope the birth goes well when it happens. Imagine Mr Considerate will be watching the Olympics or something when it happens. Probably for the best since he sounds like the type who would just tell you what you should be doing all through the process.

  31. tow it home and take a cab home(because the tow driver looked scary)..when he sees the towing bill and the cab fees he will regret it if he doesnt change it take a cab everywhere until he does..and to be safe you will probably want all new tires on your vehicle..and dont skimp on quality get the best avaliable and when its time to have the baby go by ambulance

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