
What would you do if your husband didnt come home ?

by  |  earlier

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he left at 12 saying that he was just going to drop off his resume at a place down the street and said that he would right back as i had to run some errands and needed him to watch the kids. well its almost 7 and he still isn't home no phone call nothing

He does this all the time

I am thinking of going out tomorrow and just not coming back till like midnight. Immature i know but nothing else is working. I have talked to him about it but he still does it. I just want him to know what it feels like




  1. Change the locks while he's gone.

  2. sounds to me like he isn't taking his responsibilities seriously.

    also sounds like he isn't taking your feelings into consideration.

    tell him he needs to get his priorities in order immediately or your packing your things. why the heck stay with someone who doesn't respect you.

  3. I think he's either cheating or on drugs.  Either way, his behavior is disrespectful and absolutely unacceptable.  As long as you continue to put up with it, he will continue to do it.  I say drop him like a hot potato.

  4. Here are some things to think about - two wrongs don't make a right, if you think something is going on, it probably is, and when you don't know, you assume the worst. You do not know what is going on, and that is unfair in a marriage.  Now with kids involved, it becomes not just unfair but really problematic, because if he sets this example for the kids now, just wait until they are teenagers.

    So no, it is not right, it is irrepoonsible for him to leave, lie about what he is doing, not come back and not call. Yes, it is also suspicious. So you need to be the one thinking about what is best for the kids and for you, since he is not.

    What is best?  

  5. it sounds to me that he has some issues with being a father and that is not a good thing. plus how do you know that he is not cheating? making up excuses is one of the most common hints that your man is seeing someone else. is he still interested in you sexually or has your s*x life dwindled down to almost not existing? maybe you should leave for a long time and let him stay with the kids but do this on a day when you know that he has something important to do so that way he can be just as pissed as you are for doing that to you. if you are going to get revenge do it with vengance maybe stay out all night and don't come home til like 3 in the morning but make sure you enjoy yourself when you do decide to do that to him. go get him girl let him know how it feels to be stranded at home with the kids and no help and with places to go. give him a dose of his own medicine!!

  6. I think he is on drugs !! And or cheating on you !! Wake up.  He has disrepected you.  Give him the boot before it gets worst and he walk all over you more.  

  7. If my husband didn't come home, I'd probably jump down his throat.  Go to Marriage Counseling, it works!

  8. Ok well, I would definatley give him a little of his own medicine and if he does not react with that,then give hima little scare. See he is so use to doing it and getting away with it so you might as well prove him wrong. I would probably do the following thing. I would get my kids go stay at a local hotel or motel without telling anybody just maybe someone you really trust. atleast for one night or maybe a couple of days. I know my causin did that with her husband and it really worked out for her she proved a point to him and he has changed alot since. Men are so use to the wife always being their,and honestly we don't have to be their we choose to be their. Hope this works Good Luck !!!

  9. Well, if he's staying out ALL night long...then I'd worry.  He's a married man with children.  It's time to grow up. And yes, sometimes I agree that if you do the same thing they do, they finally get the picture.  He's expecting you NOT to stay out until midnight.  So as long as he IS  home and wouldn't leave the kids alone, I'd give it right back to him.  And then I'd be really nonchalant about it when I did get home..."Oh well.  It seems to be okay for you so why can't I do it?"  

  10. i would talk to him about it.

    Tell him how you feel or its going to aways be on the back of your mind and you don't want that.

  11. Somewhere you both have lost the true communication.  You are talking and nothing is changing.  He is going out with excuses because he doesn't want to argue with you about leaving.  This is classic signs of you both speaking on different levels.  Revenge is not the answer although I completely understand the urge.  Something to do is try a new approach to discussing this with him.  Don't get mad that he has been gone.  Don't drill him with 100 questions when he gets home.  Just stay calm and go about your business.  When the time is right talk to him not about the situation of him leaving and being gone, but about what is going on with him and how can things change in your relationship to be more respectful toward each others needs.  

  12. wow!  your probably letting  him off easy, so he is used to just doing what he wants.  

    what do you think he and his boys are doing?  they must be doing something interesting to hold his interest this long.  

    i agree with babygirl, drugs must be involved.  marijuana and alcohol and a good game of halo would keep my husband away for 6 hours or more.

  13. Get a hotel room. Take the kids, of course. What will he think when he gets home and you guys are not there?  

  14. I think you should do it to him. Lets see how he likes it. Then you should have someone follow him and catch him in his lie.  He does not need to be lying to you.

  15. If he did this all the time, I would do nothing. He is who he is, it would have been something I would have learned to work around before we were even married.

    If my husband did this, I would have thought there was an accident, and would have called the police. He always lets me know where he is, and if he didn't come home after a short errand, I would have had to assume something happened.

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