
What would you do if your husband?

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was going on line into a live web cam talking to young naked girls. It really is p**n. He has to pay for this each time he goes on. In two days he spent 180.00 dollars on this. He is a 39r old man with 2 daughters. We also have been struggling to pay bills. I am done. I want out. Please tell me what you think.




  1. Ask him how he feels about paying child support and having his dirty laundry aired in court.

  2. Sounds like a loser.

    I would leave him... he is using bill money to watch p**n?


  3. I'd be filing for divorce.

  4. That's a lot of money for a virtual w***e. Won't be long and he'll be seeking the real thing, and it sounds like you can't afford it. Get him some help, or get him gone. Good luck.

  5. I'd tell him "the next time we speak, it will be through a lawyer". Pack my stuff and walk out the door.

  6. Not sure if it is enough to call it quits...just my thoughts but everyone has their threshold. Have you set down and talked to him about it? Believe it or not this could be his stress reliever. He could be out cheating on you. Instead he is in your living room. Try taking on the mindset that he is a three year old and does not know that he is hurting mommy's feelings or that he truly doesn't know that what he is doing is bad. Then when you sit down to explain it to him, do not assume or use irate wording..just speak to him with logic. Hopefully you can get through to him and also assess what is making him do this besides the fact that he is a man and loves s*x.

    Now on the other hand, you mentioned that you have two you mean to imply that daddy's appetite for watching hot chicks is bad because he has daughters or are you scared that one day he may look at them with an incestuous eye? I can not find the correlation between man watching p**n and man having daughters. He made those daughters due to liking you and lusting after you. You have to help me understand the correlation. If you are truly afraid that his actions will degrade his role as their father in some way then, you should bring this up in the conversation too but please do not try to manipulate him into feeling bad because he has daughters...unless he is doing it in front of them.

    Either way, I wish you well and this is just my two cents on the matter. His priorities are not in order right now with bills versus p**n but then again we all need a stress reliever as well. Just one that doesn't increase the problem.

    Best of luck to you.

  7. Da! Leave he cheating loser!

  8. Girl get the h**l on. if he has to be with someone younger or even pay for their attention what does he need you for you could do better

  9. when a man spends marital as setts on this, he is doing wrong, it also shows his lack of concern for his family,and disrespect for u.his priorities are all wrong, and he is putting all he has on things that don't count, if it were my husband i would be livid, when your married,u count on the man to use common sense with finances, and not waste money needed to raise his family. confront him and if it does no good, divorce him.

  10. He is addicted and he needs help.  Professional help.  If something happened in the house like say for example, one of your daughters friend came for a sleep over and accidentally saw him on "p**n" and then said something to her parents, all h**l would break loose at your house and your husband would probably get arrested.  Then, CPS would be called in that night to evaluate the situation with your daughters and then you might loose them for a while.  So, do you want to run the risk of all that happening?

  11. I know that you are angry and frustrated. You have every right to be. I think that you should calm down though and talk to him about it. If this is the only issue that you have other then the bills there is always a chance that you can work this out and it could be a real positive for your relationship. I have seen couples who have worked through these types of troubles and they have stuck it out and come out stronger as a couple. I would say that he was using this to escape the reality of the difficulties of the bills etc. Give him a chance. Thrash it out. He has done wrong, but nobody is perfect and he didn't actually cheat in the sense of sleeping with someone.  

  12. Get out unless he's willing to change and go to counseling because that's a huge problem and he's cheating on you.

  13. dump the loser. he is hooked on whores

  14. He clearly is sick. Get out or you will soon tumble down the hill of doom with him. Nothing good will come of this. How old are your daughters? He may be violating the law. You could actually turn his perverse a$$ in and have him arrested for having child p**n on your computer. Dear, it Is against the law. I would really worry about those 2 daughters you have there with him at home. Take the blinders off or you will go down too. Trust me on this.

  15. Horrible!

  16.   Oh boy.  That's difficult.  It's a form of cheating and my guess is that he either has or will actually cheat.  These types of sites cause many divorces.  Have you checked his phone lately and other e-mail accounts for any other sites to gage his possible addiction?  Tell him you know, and that if he cannot stop this he will have to start paying spousal and child support because you are done.  

  17. This is a problem. I'd talk to him about it. Ask him what is going on. Explain that you all are struggling with bills and he's on pron sites. Maybe he needs help... If you still want to go, who could blame you. Good luck.

  18. Omg, that's bad. How young is young? I mean live streaming videos is horrible-that's almost like cheating.

    Plus you're have financial difficulties too. I think I would want out too. How awful.

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