
What would you do if your husband said this to you?

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in the calmest, sweetest tone of voice and with his arms wrapped romantically around you...

"We shouldn't fight. You shouldn't talk back. If I throw rocks(not litterally) you need to throw back chocolate and love."

and he said this believing it fully.




  1. I would throw rocks!   If he expects you to throw chocolate and love... You should expect the same from him.  Marriage is 50/50... Nothing more.. nothing less.  

  2. wtf???

  3. Ask him the same thing in the same sweet voice and see what he says.

  4. I would ask him what type of drug he was on and why he didn't share it with me because I want to live a fantasy world too......and then ask him if there were unicorns and fairies there too.  

  5. So what's wrong with what he said? He should've followed up with "...and a hummer"

    No need to thank me.

  6. My husband has said things like that before.  Not chocolate & love though LOL!  What he said is borderline retarded but I think what he's trying to say is that you should know his temper.  After certain arguments when my husband is happy again & thinks he's being cute he will try to tell me in a funny way that I shouldn't challenge him when he's in that head space.  Maybe that's what he was trying to say.  Like one of you has to get a better fighting style?  Does that make sense.  My husband & I are both hot heads and basically he knows he'll never back down so he wants me to.  Instead of saying I shouldn't talk back, he says "Don't SASS me girl".  What a dork.

  7. I wouldnt be able to say anything...because I'd be laughing too hard.

  8. what kind of BS is that time tell your husband this ....' if you throw rocks i'll throw back a flower ......with the pot still attached to it '

    have a nice day

  9. what kind of lame *** straight to DVD movie did he get that quote from?

  10. I'd do the same exact thing to him, and repeat it back to him verbatim.

    I'd probably replace the "YOU" with "WE" and not back down until he agrees.

  11. I would laugh and tell him he's got another thing coming and that he probably should have asked more questions before we got married. Poor guy!  

  12. I wouldn't do anything if it was in character for him to make such statements; if it was out of character, I would ask him what he meant by that.

  13. He's just letting you know that when there's an arguement, the man is ALWAYS right and for you to back down to your place and not give him a ration of c**p...nuff said!!!!

  14. I agree with him.  You should find a delicate balance between a traditional feminine role and the modern feminist role.  Not everything should be viewed as an attack on your personal character.  Not everything needs a defense.  Just listen.

  15. Tell him that unfortuantely he married Varuca Salt and it sounds like he should have married Charlie.  

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