
What would you do if your kids did this? parents only?

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i am 18 and i was planning on moving out with a friend but my parents will say no if i tell them. So i am planning on leaveing Augest 22nd and i was thinking what if i left a note? what would you do as a parent if this was your kid saying this? would leaving a note be good




  1. Tell them, and then move. The note thing will really, really get them angry.

  2. It doesn't matter if they say "No". Technically you are an adult and you can leave when ever you want. They cannot legally force you to stay.

    I would help keep things on an easier ground by letting them know you are moving out and let them know your intentions. But they can't force you to stay. It's against the law.

  3. They can't legally tell you no.  You're 18.  Point that out when they say no.

  4. as a parent i think youre plenty old enough to move in with a friend...

    just tell them to their faces..a note is too impersonal...

    they might surprise you and help you move and get settled in if you talk to them..

  5. hon you are 18 years old there's not one living thing your parents can do to stop you from moving out. Just explain to them that you want to see what it's like to be out on your own for while. Leaving a note would not be the best idea. I know if my daughter where to do that i would freak out.  and it wouldn't be well anyways i hope this helps...

    Best of Luck,

    Crsytal S

  6. I have been in this situation before,  I can tell you from my own personal experience that no matter what your relationship with your parents is like they NEED you to prove to them that your responisble by sitting them down and explaining to them that your moving in with a good friend and that you need space and a chance to discover your individuality and you can't do that residing in thier home. irregardless of what your friends say about packing your stuff without them knowing.....YOU HAVE TO LET THEM KNOW, they need that closure. if theres one thing you can do it's to let them know your leaving.  my mother passed away 9 months ago and now that I have grieved and lost her it made me realize that there was soooo much that I shoulda woulda coulda done ya know? don't make the same mistake as others have....hope this was what you needed.....always remember that the friends you have when you are 18 won't stay with you a lifetime they come and go so NEVER take thier advice seriously listen to your own heart.

  7. I am sure they would have a good reason for you not to live with that friend. Parents are very intuitive and can see what is good for their kids when the kids can't. You are really going to burn some bridges and hurt them if you do not tell them.

    If you feel like you are adult enough to live on your own you should be adult enough to talk to them about it. It will be hard but you are 18 and can do what you want, even if it is not what they want.

  8. My oldest daughter lives with her boyfriend...not what I would've done, but nearly three years in, I have to admit they're making a decent go of things. I'm impressed. You're a legal adult and you have every right to make certain calls for yourself now, but that doesn't mean your logic won't be called into question, not only by parents, but by other people in general. Part of being an adult, is behaving like an no, leaving a note, would not be an especially adult way to handle this. Step up and speak your piece. They may not agree with your decision, but they may be impressed with your command of your situation. I was. Good luck.

  9. move your stuff first, then tell them in person.

  10. no i think that is a dumb idea.. you dont think they will find out where you are.. i think that just by up an leaving that will break any relationship you have with your parents... i hope you are not relying on them to help you out financially cause that prob wont happen... idk i just dont think its a good idea..

  11. If you have any respect for your parents you need to sit down and talk with them face to face. You will be 18 they cannot stop you!

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