
What would you do if your lover cheated on you?

by  |  earlier

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You spot your lover ( boy/girl friend husband, wife ) kissing another person. Pick what would you do??

1. Grab a gun and shoot them and risk your self a whole life in jail or maybe the chair?

2. Jump off the highest building

3. Start using drugs because you hate your life




  1. I don't think I would do any of those. The issue for me would be whether I stay because I love him and try to work out what went wrong, or whether to just move on. I could never hate him though, I would be very hurt, but I love him too much to ever hate him.  

  2. NONE!  

    For the love of god. All of those choices are stupid !

    move on. don't waste ur time. Everything happens for a reason. Find someone who will be faithful don't go throw ur life away over something so stupid  

  3. 2) but i twist it - i would ring him/her and tell them i have just seen him/her with another man/woman and that i wanted to end my life, say you gonna jump off a bridge (local that you both know) and you hope he/she enjoys his life with his/her new person....

    get to the bridge early and tie a notted rope around your waste attached to the side of the bridge, not too much slack though, when you see him call them a horrible name and then jump. the rope will catch you and you can climb the nots until your under the bridge, they will be going crazy and be in so much pain and regret, lower your self down with the rope and then go home, burn all his stuff in the garden and then go to sleep. next day get the locks changed on everything, get a single mate to stay with you for a week, one he doesnt really know, then ask her to get the door if he turns up, let her move her stuff in and tell her to tell him that you are renting it and it came furnished, there was a death i believe? eventually you can tell him the truth but it will be stupidly funny and evil to get back at them.

    im not evil i just have a vivid imagination

  4. None of the above.

    I will rather leave them and walk away for good believeing that we are not made meant for each other.

  5. move on with your life..

    life's good when you forget the bad memories and trying the new things.

    i certainly will live life to the fullest..

    and may allah bless me


  6. i would be tempted to do 2...but i wouldnt. i'd leave him n not go back!

  7. nah i'd cap the tha b*tch who was with mi guyyy

  8. maybe i will kill him or probably i would loose the trust ot all the guys!

  9. I wouldn't do any of those thing's !Sure it would hurt to see a lover with someone else.

    But I wouldn't do anything bad to hurt myself , after all I did nothing wrong so why should I "pay". I would  just  walk away and not  look back.  I'd find the one "thet was ment to be"  

  10. is there another option? Those seem pretty sad, I would either dump/divorce him and find someone else, or try to fix things.

  11. Sorry, but i think that the best thing for you to do is to IMMEDIATELY dump him or divorce him. Also, if he tries to apologize or threaten you or something once you've broken up with him, report him to the authorities.

    Girl, he doesn't deserve any pity nor respect. :||

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