
What would you do if your mom said this after meeting your boyfriend? ?

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My mom met my Boyfriend for the first time and after she met him, she told me that she thought that he looked like my brother. She also said that he acts allot like him. I freaked out. What would you have done?




  1. i would try any way possible to forget what she said. and look closley at are relationship between us if it really bothered you. but thats really not a problem so do what you feel like  doing.

  2. I would've given her a look that said "O-kay" then walked away. When my grandma met my boyfriend for the first time she told me she didn't like his long hair and I told her I didn't care because I love him, no matter what. Who cares what other people think. Besides your mother doesn't know your boyfriend as well as you do.  

  3. depending on what ur mom thinks of your brother, i would take it as a compliment.... chilax : )

  4. Said, ew like I did when my sister told me my husband looked like our cousin.  Eww...  He so doesn't...  but anyway...  like attracts like so by saying he looks like your brother, then he also looks like you.  

  5. it's probably just an observation... don't worry about it.


  6. I would have said: "Thanks for sharing, Mom." and let it go at that.

  7. MOMM"

    Other than that I would tell my BF, shes just saying that well because I guess every boy would be like my brother..

  8. as long as u like ur bf then just dont mind it but if that bothers u alot and u figure out he is kinda like ur brother just dump him unless u dont want to but it mostly only counts on what ur heart says not anybody else

  9. oh. maybe she just kidding now.

    I think your mom told that because you and your bf is a good couple.

    you love each other very much.

    then u act like each one.

    dont worry much abou that.

    keeping goin my friend.

  10. just try not to think about when your with him or it might feel a bit creepy lol. Just remember he's his own person not your brother.

    Also it's a good thing. If he reminds her so much of her son than she will like him. Having your mum not like your boyfriend is very awkward, so be just be glad  

  11. uhhh kick out your brother. LOl just kidding . uhmm im not so sure.

  12. i really wouldn't take that personal maybe your bf really does look and act like your brother but its really not that big of a deal just let it go.

  13. One of the ways we start getting to know a new person is by thinking if they remind us of someone we already know.  Your mom's observation was just human.

    It is OK if your bf does look like your brother, or act like him.  That might mean you and he have some things in common you haven't discovered yet.  

  14. Oh no, don't look at it like that. Really. It's no biggy. My husband acts like my dad alot of the time and I don't look at it in a deviant way. They say that alot of girls get involved with guys that remind them of a "close" male relative  (dad,brother,uncle)...something..I sooo wouldn't let it bother me. No biggy


  15. Are you close to your brother? I noticed that people who are close to their siblings ultimately find guys to gate that have similarities to that sibling. There is nothing wrong with it. You want someone who will treat you right and if someone says your boyfriend looks and kind of acts like your brother it is not big deal.  

  16. it's only a first impression, so it doesn't mean she's right or that she won't change her mind in time.

      Secondly, if you like him, that's all that should matter. She has a right to her opinion that doesn't mean you should have to agree, care or even listen.

       Just blow it off, doesn't mean anything.

  17. i'll probably go "ew mom ew don't compare him with my brother that's just gross!!"

  18. i would have spat on your mom.  am just kidding she's probaily a great person. but is your mom going to date your boyfriend or you???... its a logical situation... its up to you.

  19. Just don't worry about it.  It means she likes him, because he reminds her of her own son.

    As for you - just make sure you don't think about how much he is like your brother when you kiss him or have s*x with him.  that would be like you were really fooling around with your own brother.

  20. Take it as a compliment, she obviously liked your bf and felt comfortable with him, why else would she compare him to her own son?

  21. I would have just laughed it off and ignored her. I mean you can't do anything about her opinion you know? Don't take it too hard or personal. It doesn't mean you're suddenly dating your brother! Of course your brother and your boyfriend are completely different people. No two act the same. But maybe when your mom met your boyfriend she felt as if something about the way he said something reminded her of her son. She probably thinks this is great! So like I said just laugh and ignore her....just make sure she doesn't say this to your boyfriend! :-)

  22. Think of it this way...

    mothers love their sons... so, if he reminds your mom of your brother, she'll trust him more, like him more, and so on. Good for you!

  23. say "well, he's not my brother, he's my boyfriend, and as such it's not a fair comparison."

    It's not really a big deal. Maybe your mom saw some positive similarities?? which is good!


  24. Ouch...probably killed her!

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