
What would you do if your mother in law was the spawn of satan?

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And wouldnt leave you to raise your children your way?




  1. Start Praying.....

  2. Be an adult and tell her that if she can't respect your wishes that she will have to do without seeing her grandkids, and then stick by it like a stubborn toddler, she will soon change her mind, and if she doesn't then you will soon find out just what kind of a person she is.

  3. Ban them from your house until they see sense. Grandparents have No legal rights of visitation

  4. Pray for her and keep her away until she can change her ways.  Make sure she realizes why you are choosing to keep her away and let her know she can be a part of your family's life again once she turns around.

  5. My MIL is the spawn of satan. My answer was to move 6 hours away from her, unlist my phone number, and only allow her access to my kids on my terms and my schedule. If she becomes a ***** she doesnt see them again. She knows the rules and she knows I mean them. She spent 2 years without seeing her grandkids for her behaviors. I dont think she wants that to happen again.

  6. Do what I do.

    Live 250 miles away from her.

  7. Speaking from personal experience, my mother-in-law is Satan, too.  She'll never know how you feel unless you address the subject. Be nice, but be stern. After all, they are YOUR children.

    Best of luck to you.:)

  8. I would get my kids to tell her to "shut up".

    She did a terrible job of raising her own sons as they all despise her, it looks like her grandsons are going the same way and I don't blame them one bit.

    At least one male in her family has the guts to stand up to her nasty bullying.

    Don't be surprised if this question gets reported, mine did this morning, someone doesn't like the truth.

  9. I think I would probably stop her from seeing my kids until she realised that they are exactly that, 'my kids'.

    Luckily my MIL lets us get on with it, she voices her opinion now and again, but doesn't tell us how to raise them.

    If you are referring to 'Joan' then I feel so sorry for her DIL and am not least surprised that her grandson told her to shut up this morning!

  10. Get your Mil's son/daughter to have a word and tell her to back off. If they wont you'll need to do it yourself or just body swerve her at every opportunity

  11. My MIL is lol... She lets me raise my kids my way, but have I gone through h**l and back with her!! I took the only child away that spoke to her (she has 7)

    Talk to her. Its your baby. Tell her her help and suggestions are appreciated, but you want to raise they bubs your way

  12. Mother in law is an anagram for 'women hitler'.... do I need to say more?

  13. Stop communicating with her.

    It will only upset you.

    Surround yourself with people that make you happy instead.

    Just don't ever tell your partner what you think of their mum - it's okay for them to say bad things about her - but not you!!!!

  14. I would splash holy water on her.

    Or call in the exorcist.

  15. Tell her to back the heck off these are my children I gave birth and I have the first and last say so. stand up for yourself or she'll never back down. goood luck

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