
What would you do if your next door neighbour (A man) kept barking like a dog?

by  |  earlier

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"woof - woof"




  1. Video him and tell him," I am going to upload it on the youtube,you son of a bic".

  2. Get a b***h and send it over with a note saying  "HOPE THIS ONE WILL KEEP YOU COMPANY"

  3. Then I'll meow like a cat!

  4. Oh no! Oh no! too noisy, difficult to stop him isn't it.

  5. give him a piece of meat.. "Dah! pegi main jauh-jauh!"

  6. ..with a knick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone, this old man comes rolling home...

  7. I will give my neighbour a poison medicine.

  8. I'll sing the chorus : "Who lets the dogs out!"

    the he'll "woof! wof!"

  9. Call the police and tell them that your neighbour thinks he is a dog and keeps using your lawn as his personal bathroom. Then plant evidence.

  10. give him bone to shut him up :P  

  11. grrrrr...woof ...woof...grrrr.........aewooooooooooooo... !!!

  12. throw a stone at him

  13. ^

    too bad he's not a dog...

    else can feed him some dog food mixed with rat poison like you ever did...


  14. Be worried that I had a real nut living next door and make sure my doors are locked at night.

  15. go over to his place, slaughter him, and have hot 'dogs' for dinner. nyehehehe.

  16. Ill Yell at him.

    SHUT THE **** UP YOU SON OF A *****!  

  17. Poor guy, the wifey a "female dog" too ?

  18. i'll shout "stop doing doggy style!!"

  19. See what happens by meowing like a cat....

  20. Being a cat... hiss, spit and growl and claw him in the face

  21. Growl like a tiger at him.............

  22. throw him a dog biscuit

  23. id put a potatoe in his tail pipe of his car

  24. buy a real dog n say to himm.... HEY i got u a buddy!!

  25. haha..

    PEACE =D

  26. hit him

  27. throw him a bone ? or get a female dog for him if you think it the mating season

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