
What would you do if your parents always critisize u?

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hey evryone.

wel im the youngest daughter in my family, theres my big sister and then my twin sister who is 24 mins older then me, and then its me.

my family/parents always critisize me saying im lazy im jelous of my twin sister ( just because shes prettier then me) however i am not jelous of her at all, my parents always taunt me saying why are u jelous of her what did she do to you? leave the poor soul alone, this and that.

also my sisters have boyfriends and so do i, my sisters always be upstairs on the phone talking to there boyfriends, i am not allowed to talk 2 mine, i had 2 leave him because of my family, they didnt like him for some reason.

so my sisters be upstairs on the phone alll the time, my mum be's downstairs alone because my dad bes at work, so i stay with mum, i give her company and i do all the housework and everything, yet my mum complains to my dad that i dont do anything , im lazy, i am the worst child she has, she doesnt appreciate me at all, when she is ill i make her tea, hot water bottle etc, i massage her arms evry night, yet she is like this to me? she NEVER complains about my sisters even though they are the ones who dont do anything at all.

i dont like it, how can i deal with it, please help

dont say leave ur parents please because i cant, im just 18, any sensible answers please.

thanks all




  1. Leave home.

    Prove them wrong.

    Murder them.

  2. The only suggestion I would give is get to know your sister better, spend time with her and have fun with her. Go shopping etc and maybe even mix your social networks.

    I think once your parents see a close bond between you and your sister they may not say or feel such things.

    The only other thing is, don't let it drag you down. Be yourself and be happy of who you are, be proud of yourself before you expect anyone to be proud of you.

    Finally, know one fact: Your parents love you.

    Smile : ) It often confuses people lol Be content in yourself and enjoy the vibrant nature of life!

  3. Sounds tough. It sounds like favourtism. First thing is you should try talking to your parents about how you feel. If they refuse to listen then perhaps try some counsiling, either family counsiling or individual counsiling. Talking to friends or other family may help also.

    Also remember that just because everyone critisizes you doesnt mean there right, my family all picked on me for years about how i looked and my belief in things, then later relised that there was nothing wrong with me and that they were wrong. Believe in yourself and try not to let the critisism get in. If you think your working hard and doing your best then dont expect any more of yourself no matter what everyone says.

  4. take revenge on ur sister with loads of kids pranks and have a house party - theyll soon enuf kinck u out - no need for leaving urself

  5. 18 is plenty old enough to leave home.  I did.  I couldn't wait, even though I get on fine with my parents.

  6. Actually you are more than old enough now to be taking responsibility for your life ... you don't have to accept the criticism - nor do you have to accept the apprent ill-treatment .... if you are still at school or college then try talking to a counsellor, or friends.... what about making a list of the things you do and then sit down and discuss with your family .... you are the only one who can change your circumstances - if you want to - so you must be the one to take the lead and make whatever changes you need .... if they won't listen, won't accept some responsibility for your misery .... then you must make a decision to do something about it - and that might mean leaving home..... If that's the case, if you're at college - why don't you get your own room or dorm?  If not then surely you must be working - if so can't you and a couple of friends find a place you can share .... the last resort is something like a young persons hostel .... not the greatest but you will find help and support there .....


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