
What would you do if your parents said...?

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that you couldn't be friends with someone because you get in too many fights? but you want to be friends with them because they're your best friend. would you still be friends with them or what? and how would you go about telling your parents you're going to be friends anyways?




  1. How come its friendship and fighting at the same time occurring?   Make up your mind. Good friends don't fight all the time. Plus, will it worth upsetting and disrespecting your parents by doing what they asked you not to.  Sounds like you need to make some new friends.  

  2. tell yer rents that you dont give a dayyum because u guys are bffs! && obviously since you two r still BEST friends, you two are meant to stay that way. so quite frankly i wouldnt give if my rents say because its your fran not theirs.

  3. i dont think its confussinng.

    at all, like try talking to your friend about it

    maybe you can work it out to where you guys dont fight as

    much and talk to your parents after you have the talk with your friend maybe your parents will give your friend another chance(:

  4. It seems your parents have discussed this with each other and have reached the conclusion there is something detrimental in the relationship between you and your friend.  They, probably, see something you are not aware of - something other than the moodiness you, most likely, experienced following these arguments not to mention (?) that they were victims of these moods.  The fact that your parents are older than you does mean they have had more experience with people so are better at reading motivation and personality-types.  No disagreement with a friend should cause The Silent Treatment for such a length of time.  The disagreement, itself, causes an emotional upset but when settling the issue takes such a long time it, actually causes physical harm in addition to the emotional.  It appears you and your friend may be vying for the upper hand in your relationship so it's possible a control issue is playing itself out here and your parents realize that a friendship which has an, ever-present, undercurrent of potential battle isn't good for you or for your friend.  To get along in the world, you both need to learn that other people are entitled to their opinions whether, or not, you agree with them.  When you disagree, you  need to put into practice the art of compromise instead of exhibiting childish temper-tantrum behaviour by being too stubborn to mend the fences in a timely manner.  The ability to compromise is a characteristic you need to develop if you are to become a self-disciplined young woman and self-discipline is a requirement necessary in all areas of life.  The relationship, with your friend, is undermining the development of this in both of you.  This, also, is an issue of self-centredness and the lack of ability to view things in their proper perspective both of which must be developed if you are to become an emotionally stable person.  Your parents see this relationship as detrimental to your personality development and, as they are your parents, their wishes should be honoured. When you become an independent, self-supporting, adult you will be able to do as you wish.

    Just read your latest post and find it interesting that you have, apparently, become an expert on relationships during the past few hours.  Disagreements, between those who are close, are normal - fights are not, nor is your length of settlement-time.    

  5. respect there wishes, and do as they say. you need to find out why your friend stays in so many fight, your parents are only concern for you and your safety. so think about it.

  6. well I would just be that persons friend. I mean if your best friends then your parents should understand because best friends are supposed to bring you happiness.

  7. Tell them frankly that you guys are still good friends in spite of the fights. And henceforth, see to it that your parents don't get to know when you guys fight again ...

  8. Quit getting into fights.

  9. uhmm,  can u just rephrase your question.. it seems so confusing

  10. if you want to be friends with someone, you shouldn't let anyone tell you that you can't. you may, however, want to evaluate your friendship and talk to your friend about how often you fight and what you fight about. i would do that first and then let your parents know that you've talked about things and decided to try your best to avoid fights. if you do that, your parents will also realize that you've taken your maturity to a new level.

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