
What would you do if your pursuing for the pleasure is making someone sad?

by  |  earlier

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I always try not to hurt anybody.




  1. It always depends on the case,but going through life always trying not to hurt anybody will sometimes be an obstacle.

  2. perhaps you should make The Good instead of Pleasure your aim...

  3. if i made someone upset, id try and find a way to make them happy again.

    bake them a cake :)

  4. How much is it worth to you, if it takes away from someone else?

    Stepping on anothers head for selfish gain is very bad karma!

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, has changed to; Do unto others 'before' it's done to you.  So sad!!

    We are the cause and effect of one another!

  5. 2 bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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