significant other of over 5 years who hasn't held down a job in over 3 years, who doesn't pay any bills, who when you try and tell him in a nice way to get a job tries to insult you because you are getting tired of carrying ALL of the load?! I asked him why did he have a condom in his wallet and he goes why are you looking through my things? And i reply why do you eat up my food, use my electricity that I pay for?? I work all the time and am tired mostly and he gets upset because i don't want to have s*x. He also gets mad at me because for some reason I can't get pregnant. He also accussed me of doing drugs which I have never done in my life!! He asks me what i do with my money, i tell him bills, kids and neccesities for the house , then he was like if that was my money i'd show you how to manage it! I was like you need to manage to get a job and hold it down for some years and then you can tell me something! I mean what in h**l is wrong with him? Why does he try to make it seem like i'm doing wrong when all i do is work, pay bills and work? Iy seems like he is never going to get it together we've been dating since 2003!! And he still acts like he wants to do nothing!! What can I do? Serious answers please. Thanks!