
What would you do if your s*x life with your wife goes bad?

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My wife has exploded and is very angry at me because our s*x life has fizzled out.

How do I get it back?




  1. she's angry? first try to get it back before you go angry.

    do new things. many books and therapists that can guide you there!!

  2. shirtless backrubs.

  3. Spice it up! Try toys, read the KamaSutra (great book)..or watch a s**y movie that will get you both in the mood. Or taking s**y pictures or even make a home made movie....Be spontaneous. Wake her up early in the morning (not vigorously) or in the middle of the night to make love. I know I like that.  

  4. I was there a few years ago.  After over 20 years our s*x life along with everything else had fizzled.  I wanted a divorce and I'm sure so did my husband.  We went on living separate lives because neither one wanted conflict.  i finally was fed up and spoke openly and honestly about what I needed and required to stay married.  This revelation opened the door to communication.  What I wanted was much the same as what he wanted.  Neither of us had been willing to put ourselves out there.  We were both afraid of rejection.  With everything out in the open and the real threat of divorce, we both opened up and made the effort and sacrifice.  We are now emotionally abd physically closer than ever,  I guess, in short, be open in your feelings, the physical comes along with it.  Good luck to you both, friend.

  5. i was going to say shirtless backrubs...but being a guy i probably wouldn't recognize that as a signal she wants s*x....

  6. You start having s*x again...maybe a date night, romantic setting to set the mood..

    ...or maybe some adult toys and flavored lubes and take a more 'naughty' approach...put on some p**n to get the mood started if need be...

    ...or see a couples counselor or s*x therapist for help in getting yourselves mentally back on track sexually, so you can then get your bodies there....

  7. It all depends on how long all this has been going on.  I would sit down and talk to her calmly and see why she says that the s*x life has gone bad.  Then I would go talk to someone.  They do have s*x therapists out there that you can talk to.  Best of luck!!

  8. Do you remember how you got it in the first place? You should know better than anyone, she is your wife.  You should know what she likes and what she doesn't.  Be romantic and spontaneous, she will love it, and in the long run you will to.  

  9. I ditto almonds response.  You have to go back to the basics.  You have to talk with her.  You would be surprised how far a dozen roses will go.  It about the little things and not always s*x.  Dont give up just work harder.

  10. If you are taking medication for Bipolar. The medication has serious side effects, one is erectile dysfunction. Google the medication to see if that is the problem.

    FIRST, it's not totally your fault, she is there to. Touch her a lot, touch her face, rub her body, and compliment her. Find any reason to be close to her. If she wants s*x, a high level of intimacy should help.

  11. Very easily. Whatever you used to do in your glory days, remember that? Get back to it! :-D

  12. Go to a Lions Den or another adult toy store.  Find things to add to your s*x life.  Get a digital camera and see if you can take s**y pictures of her.  Being tied upi and blind folded is very erotic.  Try this site for some info.


  13. Uh romantic things help.  Flowers and so on.  intimacies in the bedroom or where ever are usually more fulfilling if the parties feel loved.

    There are many other things you can do to bring romance back to the bed room.  Give her a massage, draw her a hot bubble bath with scented candles and some wine, serve her breakfast in bed.

    Mostly though pay attention to what she wants and keep some variety in the mix.  Be gentle in how you ask some partners automatically expect you to know all their desires and as much as we love them it still doesn't make us psychic.  I found out some very good to know stuff after my wife and I had been married for about 6 years.  

    Find out about any fantasies she may have and for gods sake guard your reaction.  A perceived negative response would be disastrous.

    Last thing Shared intimacy is better than one takeing the other just giving

  14. Talk to your doctor. Your medications could be the problem.  There are many other conditions that could lead to your problem, diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia are a few that come to mind.  Talk to you doctor about your problem  Today there are many things that could help you.  If you love your wife and want her to not be angry over a dead  ended love life, there are things you can do to satisfy her and express your love in spite of any "problems"  Question is, do you want to get it back and how badly?

  15. Talk to her and ask her what she wants- let her know what you want.

    Work on it, try new things, more foreplay, new positions, s*x more regularly. Make the effort to wake her up gently in the mornings for morning s*x, be spontaneous.

  16. Do the same things you did when you were dating her. Don't be all work and no play, go out on fridays and saturday nights.

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