
What would you do if your teenage daughter got pregnant?

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from questions i see on this site, i see allot of people telling pregnant teens that they are not their parent's responsibility, that they were the ones that made a mistake and were adult enough to "spread their legs" and now have to deal with it and the only responsible thing might be to put the baby up for adoption where they can "have a chance at a better life with a couple that really wants kids but cant have them".

i know that when my mom got pregnant (34yr old woman), she needed my support, (a then 14 yr old me) and i supported her because she was my mom and i loved her and that is just what family does.

so my question what would YOU do, would it be the same if it was your grandbaby the one that was being put up for adoption? would you support your daughter? or just tell her to deal with it because its her fault? seriously, speaking from your heart not just being al technical about it. Thanks for your input.




  1. My daughter was 18 and had a mental illness and the babys father was a schizophrenic. I supported her but advised she should get an abortion. She agreed and my mother took her to the clinic. I felt it would be a lifetime of suffering and hard times for all concerned and dont feel bad about that. Especially for my daughter who was not ready at all to be a mother.

  2. i would never tell my daughter to go for abortion or anything maybe adoption if she knows that thats what she really wants to but i would definitely support her 100% shes still my daughter

  3. abort

  4. I would support them the best I could. They need someone on there side during hard times like that.

  5. Thank god I only have sons and if they got someone pregnant then I dont think I'd have much say as to what she does. I would say, hypothetically, I'd be supportive though. I guess depends how young they got prego how I'd deal w/fault. If she's like 12 or 14 I'd be more supportive. If she's like 18 or 19 I'd tell her to get a job, find a good man, and start saving for an apartment.

  6. Well statstistics show that a teenage mom who has parental support will overcome statstistics and can still be a productive member of society. So, I would help and support my daughter in this delicate time of her life. I would never put my chld into a dangerous situation and have her try to fend for herself as a teenager. It is hard enough for adults to get by in this world.

    I would not let my daughter give her child up for adoption. If she really felt as if she could not handle the responsibility, I would take the grandchild in. But, I probably would not be able to respect my daughter anymore if she just gave up like that. I know I will teach her to take care of her responsibilities and I will be dissappointed if she were to go against what I taught her.

    Edit: She would know what a child waiting for adoption's life is like. My husband was a ward of the state and wasn't adopted until he was a teenager (through the foster system so the "mom" could get an extra check every month). He was bounced back and forth through all sorts of places and I would be very upset at her for her to decide another child deserves a life like that. I am not against adoption, but if my family were involved I would not allow this to even become a possibility for another child.

  7. I think many people view teenage girls that get pregnant as out of control and rebellious. I think there are plenty of teenagers out there having s*x that are good kids who are just in over their head. I have two daughters, one is 15 and the other is 4, and I hope they will wait until their mature enough to fully understand the consequences s*x can have, but should they decide to have s*x and then end up pregnant, I would stand by them and support them in every possible way. I would never push them to adopt their child out, but I would stand by them if that's the decision they made.

    I might not always agree with the decisions my children make, but I would never turn my back on them no matter what.

  8. I would support my child and want to be the best grandma i could be.  No matter what mistakes your child makes they are still your child and if they get pregnant that is your grandchild.  They might have made a mistake but that mistake created another life, another part of your child.

  9. After the crying and prob yelling, I would help her and support her with whatever she decides to do.  I would want her to finish highschool and go to college.  I would help support her child.  She would have to work part time and finish school if she wants to stay in my house though.

  10. Honestly, if I had a child, which I never ever ever want to have in my whole entire life, and i found out she got pregnant, i don't really think i'd be mad. First of all it's her child, not mine, i'd help her find ways to solve the problem, and if abortion is what she would want, then i'd help her out. But i really don't think it'd be my choice to judge her or anything, considering it's her life and problem not mine. I know it sounds selfish, but that's how i would see it.

  11. if it was my daughter i would be upset at first but whats done is done and you have to make the most of the situation i would support her all the way with her decision unless it was abortion

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