My 16 year old pooped herself at school today. I adopted her when she was 12 and I think she was just nervous. I am basically a new parent but I never would have thought that kids of this age had accidents. Instead of scolding her, I cleaned her up and left it at that. She was crying and extremely embarassed beyond measure and told me that the nurse basically dismissed her when all she asked was if she could call me. Should I just drop this and leave it or talk to the nurse personally and tell her that she could have at least called me? Did I do the right thing? She is old enough to know better and she assures me she knows that. I am thinking I should just drop it and not metion it to her. But I don't think it's right even for a high school nurse, to allow a student to stay in soiled underpants, all she had to do was allow her to call me.