
What would you do if your young children took food from the fridge?

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I have a 6,5,3,5 months the 3 eldest mastermind to open the fridge freezer and help themselves to yoghuts,cheesy strings,e.t.c even though they have just eaten. Why? anybody got any ideas then they lie about it. I wouldnt mind if they asked




  1. maybe they just assume it is ok. just tell them they need to ask you first. or just duck tape it closed where they cant reach to get it off. no just kidding, just tell them they have to ask you before going into the refrigerator.

  2. kids will eat tasty food untill they puke if I was you I would get a fridge in the bedroom for all the sncks and lock them up you got alot of kids so its probely hard to keep an eye on them if you can just keep yelling at them and slapping there hand tell them its your fridge your food if they want somthing they have to ask if they take it punish them if you dont know wich one punish all the ones that could have done it till one squeels on the other  

  3. Some kids would eat forever if given the chance. And kids lie, to one extreme or another and when they're in a group as you have, you'll seem extreme behaviors because what one doesn't think up, someone else will. More brains to think up the BS, lol! If they're eating plenty at their meals and getting healthy in between snacks, they should be fine. If you need to, put a lock or something on the fridge. I've done it with my now 21 year old when he was a teen. He eat everything up and share it with his friends as well. I couldn't afford that. So we put a lock and key on the snack cabinet. Whatever wasn't locked he could eat. If he ate it all, then that's it. Everything locked up with the rest of the family's food and snacks. I have small triplets and we had used strap "locks" on our mini fridge but can easily be used on a regular fridge and freezer. I would certainly discipline those who break your rules. If you don't know for sure who it is, then they all get punished. The truth will come out that way, cuz the others will NOT want to take the blame for something they didn't do. They also have alarms you can buy for the fridge so you hear when someone goes in.

    Karen B

    mom to 5 including triplets

  4. Get some child proof lock thingies for it. They are just pushing boundaries to see what they can and cant get away with. Think up a punishment and stick to it.

  5. I honestly wouldn't make a big deal out of it. my daughter is 3 and there have been plenty of times when she has gone to the fridge and taken an apple and ate it. or yogurt or some other thing that she could have for a snack. it's just food I always ask my daughter if she is still hungry she usually says no but based on her dinner time she always wants a little nibble after wards more like a hour after wards.  

  6. Wow. You sound awful. Everyday I realize how lucky my kids have it to have me as a mom.

    Do you ask permission from your husband to eat a yogurt? Did you ask your mom if you could have a glass of OJ growing up?

    That's just terrible.

  7. I don't know but why not let them eat these things as part of their meals or something so they won't snack on it in the daytime.

  8. Put a lock on it.  

  9. soooo who cares? its food.

  10. my goodness they are at home.  did you tell them not to get things without asking?  they lie because they are afraid of what your reaction will be, and seem to have a reason for lying.  You are acting like they are guest instead of family members.  If you don't want them to have the things right after they eat, then serve them at the table as part of the meal.

  11. I would lay down the law, and buy a fridge/freezer child lock. I had one for my middle child, he was always raiding the fridge!

    He soon gave up when we got one of those, and I always leave fresh fruit out on the counter top, they will eat that, rather than try and raid the fridge.

  12. Food is for eating, isn't it? They feel a need to lie because you are making them feel that taking the food is wrong.

    Tell them they can have what they want from the fridge if they run it by you first, or that if you go to the fridge and find that food you expect to find there has vanished, tell them you won't mind if they tell you all about it. But really, the whole point of food is to eat it.

  13. hmm im going through this very same thing since the arrival of a little brother for my 4 year old. I really think it's an attention thing, they are perhaps rebbelling against what they know they shouldnt do. It's hard advice to take BUT as you have 4 children maybe they feel a little like they arent valued as individuals, im not saying that is the case but try to give them one to one time. if you only had 1 child that child would take up all of your time like my daughter did with me, now i have 2 the time is split and she is learning the lying thing and doing everything she shouldnt purely for attention. Your time has to ge between 4 children and you time, maybe work out a schedule of say taking the eldest out one week on your own even if its just for a walk to the park then the next then the next either a couple of days inbetween each other or weekly etc but let them know when and dont go back on it. Give individual time to each, i know thats hard a 5 month old ihave an 11 month old and he really does want all my time as well as my 4 year old wanting it all too and there just isnt enough hours in the day but we chose to have children and so its something we should all master. Come away from the issue of stealing and concerntrate and really aknoledge them for their good points, and i bet the theiving will cease slowly.... If you have tried all that and still it persists stop buying them for a week and explain why, dont say "cos ur theivin lil *****" but explain "they cost a lot of money and have to be shared so if someone is stealing then you cant afford to buy" good luck

  14. I bought a fridge lock from walmart to discourage my two older children to stay out of the fridge without asking. Looking at the ages of you children though I would say that it will only keep out the 3 year old and the baby. Have a sit down and explain to the older two that you can't just help yourself and that they need to ask. Make a punnishment if they disobey. Good luck

  15. They might be testing to see what they can get away with.  Lay out the consequences for them taking food without asking, and if they do it again be prepared to enforce the consequences.

  16. Maybe they think you'll yell at them/they'll get in trouble if they want to eat after dinner. Just tell them to ask next time and I'm sure it will go better.

  17. PARENT: "Did you eat the banana that

             I *told* you was for later?"

    TODDLER: (with banana residue on face

             and peel in hand) "No."

    If children are innately good-natured, why do they

    tell lies?

    They lie *because* they're good-natured... and they're

    doing their best to navigate the treacherous waters of

    a "de-natured" culture.

    The toddler is being good-natured when she honors her

    hunger. It's not in her nature to believe in scarcity,

    nor to override her Inner Guidance with arbitrary


    She's being good-natured when she meets her parent's

    *expectation* of wanting the forbidden fruit.

    She's being good-natured when she gives the answer

    she believes the parent wants to hear. It's not in her

    nature to invite disapproval and disconnection.

    In other words, we inadvertently teach our kids to lie

    when we participate in the Big Lie of our culture:


    Next time your child lies to you, take it as a cue to

    brush up on the Art of Unconditionality... and

    appreciate your child's good nature. :-)

    You say you wouldn't have minded if they asked (so why mind when they don't?)...but you have very young children and often children have no impulse control until the age of 8...heck!, I know few adults who have impulse control! haha ;)...They might have just eaten but maybe they were still hungry?  Or maybe they were hungry for something else?

    I would not mind if my son helped himself to something to eat, he will be three soon.  In fact, he often does - what he can reach!  This is his house too.  I never ask anyone when I  fancy a little something for myself, though technically my husband pays for the house and the food - this is my house as well.  

    It's not a big deal ...and no, they wont 'walk all over you' just because they helped themselves to some food.  Sounds like some yummy food too! :)

  18. maybe they lied beacause they knew it was wrong not to ask first, and no kids like to get in trouble!

    i like you dont mind what they have as long as they ask, if you just let them help themselves then when it comes to tea time they might not want to eat it because theyve gorged on everything else!

    i woke up one morning to find my eldest chomping on my secret stash of choccy, hed climbed over the stair gate on the kitchen, using a toy box as a step and literally threw himself over, kids will do anything for tasty treats!!!!

  19. Handcuff their hands together.

  20. Feed them more at meal times !  Seriously as soon as food hits my shelves/fridge its eaten then mine are teenagers. Just buy lots more food you're gonna need it. They should ask I know but it never happens.  

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