
What would you do in a situation like this?

by Guest65068  |  earlier

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Let's say you and your twin sister are very close. You visit your dad's side of the family for three months every year. While visiting, you meet a cousin who becomes the third part of your group. You're all very close--you, twin sister, guy cousin. Until after a bit you start to feel left out. This cousin and your twin sister are ducking out on you, avoiding you, whispering to themselves, etc. You're furious! One day, at an annual family Christmas party, you decide to confront them about it.

You see them outside talking. You decide to take the opportunity and spy for a bit first before you just jump in--you want to know what they're saying about you!

And then, your cousin leans over and kisses your sister. And she doesn't push him away.

What do you do in a situation like that? How would you react? Would you jump out and interrupt them? Watch them kiss, in disbelief? Breathe a sigh of relief (they don't hate me after all!) and sneak away? Wait until they finish and confront them both? Or just your sister?




  1. mm extremly difficult one to answer. I guess you do what comes to u at that moment. I wld just walk up to them and say ' R u guys right there?'. Confronting the issue immediately is the key. Dont make a scene but pull them both aside and tell them. I dont think its right but then its not my family. Im sure it wldnt hurt just u, it wld hurt so many more ppl if their feelings went to another level. I think they need to be made aware of this fact. I dnt know how old u guys are- teenagers u cld understand their confusing feelings but older ppl should be aware of the dangers of 'interbreeding' with other family members. Are these cousins Blood cousins or are they just by marriage? MMMM gd luck. Glad im not in ur shoes!!!!!

  2. wow that's heavy. well they don't hate you, they just really love each other. are they 1st cousins? oh man. confront the sister. say i saw you now tell me the truth. is there a possibility that you hid from me because you know this is wrong? don't blame her give the benefit of the doubt.

  3. Which part do you need help with?  Contrary to popular belief, it is legal in many states to marry your first cousin.  And a lot of people do it too.  Heck, it's actually encouraged in some other cultures.  There's supposed to be the same chance of the children of 1st cousins having a birth defect as there would be for the children born of a woman over 40.  So that's not really an issue.  And just think how much easier family gatherings would be for them :)

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    What?  Only one thumb down?  I thought my answer would be much more unpopular than that :D

  4. Wow. I would jump up and interrupt them. They shouldnt be having a relationship since they are a part of you're family. It's Wrong Wrong Wrong.

  5. i would sneak around somewhere then stand up( so they couldnt see me then causually walk up untill your a bit away then yell o my god

  6. I would jump out and interrupt them. If they see me freak out, they might be more inclined to end their nasty relationship.

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