
What would you do in paris, france?

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if you could spend only one day there, what would be the one thing you definatly had to do?..details are good, thanks!




  1. 1- Eiffel

    2- Louvre

    3- Vesellis

    4- Disney land

    5- Champes de elize

    6- Noterdame

    7- Arc de trieemph

    8- place de clichy


  2. Seine cruise, Eiffel Tower, Montmartre definitely, the islands,  arc du triomphe, champe elysee...

  3. Take a cruise on the Seine, it does not cost very much and you can get on and off at I believe at 8 different stops. We did this last summer and it was great, we had only 2 hours to spend and I feel we saw a lot, you pass all the important sites.

  4. go SHOPPING!! check out all the boutiques and maybe make some inexpensive purchases! visit the notre dame chathedral, eiffel tower. etc.

  5. First I'd have dinner at La Methode ( 2 rue Descarte ) and have the fish soup, whatever was the dish of the day, and the pain perdu for dessert.

    I'd spend the rest of evening listening to music and drinking wine at Aux Trois Mailletz at 56 rue Galand, my favorite hangout in Paris.

    But I suspect you want to know what tourist thing you should do and while eating good food and listening to some jazz isn't such a bad idea perhaps you had something in mind like checking out Notre Dame which is what I would suggest. Climb up the bell tower. the view is wonderful. And while you're at it, light a candle at the statue of the BVM and say a little prayer that you can come back and spend more time in Paris.

  6. I would arrange for an all day guided tour.  This way, you could see as many tourist attractions as possible with whatever transportation is provided, including walking where necessary.  There are so many sights to see it is not possible to see it all in only one day and if you are on such limited time, walking everywhere--while nice in Paris--wouldn't be the best use of such short time and would cut down on what you could see in only a day.

    At the end of the day, I would finish with a dinner cruise on the Seine so you can enjoy the City of Lights in all her glory while enjoying a nice French dinner complete with wine.

    Best I can offer!  Unless you want to spend the entire day inside the Louvre..............

  7. Take the EuroStar to London.

  8. Wow one day in Paris! It is difficult but I would definitely go see the Eiffel Tower and the Arc D'Trimph. Paris has tons of attractions, and it is impossible to visit in one day not even in one week...  However if you need to be there for only 1 day I would suggest you to WALK WALK WALK you won't visit most of the places but you can see them by walking... Definitely walk through Camps Elyses until the Arc D'trimph.  Also walk along the Siena River...

    Get a tourist map of Paris and just follow the streets that have things to see...

  9. Never had an interest in Paris. So, nothing.

  10. See my friend who lives there.  He's hot!

  11. leave.

  12. well it depends what you like, in one day to see the city I'd go with the seine tour... you'll get to see a lot of famous building that way.... but you can go for the shopping trip too if you prefer with all the famous haute couture brand on Les Champs Elysée, galerie lafayette etc... you can go for a culinary tour choosing good restaurant wine bar etc.... you have the choice... maybe tell us what you are looking for and then we'll be able to tell you what to go for. also when are you going there. I'm French by the way lol, I don't really like the city but like to go there every once in while to see friends and party during the holiday vaccations :) (live in SC USA right now so not really the same style)

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