
What would you do in that case?

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I have a daughter 2.5 years old. I haven’t married her father so I and her father have separated lives. He takes her once a week every weekend. But almost 5 months now I have a new boyfriend but her father wants to get involved in my life…I was never get involved in his life when he changes girlfriends…

The worst part is that last(after my bf’s wedding proposal and my acceptance) Saturday my daughter tells him that my bf is going to be her second father and he came to home and starts screaming that I have no right to do something like that without asking him….

What would you do in that case?




  1. I agree completely with that first answer.  And to it I want to add just a bit:

    Do you have a court order for custody, visitation rights, and child support?  DO NOT remarry without that.  You should never have a verbal agreement on custody and child support to begin with, because it's unenforceable if either party wants to dispute it.  You always go through the courts and have court orders.

    Here's where you stand:  your ex is angry.  He's jealous.  He may have feelings for you, or he may THINK he has feelings for you, or he may simply not want you to be happy since he isn't happy.  But he's always been there for his daughter, right?  And if you remarry, he's going to see your husband as a threat to his own relationship with his daughter.  (Especially if your daughter calls her stepfather "daddy".)  So as long as you don't have a court order for custody, there is NOTHING to stop your ex from taking your daughter one weekend and never bringing her back.

    If you don't have this sorted already, put the wedding on hold until you do.

  2. Id ignore your kid's father's tantrums.  If you love this boyfriend and want to marry him, then that decision is yours.  If your ex wants to act like a 5 year old, then that's his problem.

    You're future husband should also be standing up for you and not allowing your ex to talk to you like that though.  If he isnt going to stand up for you in that regard, then maybe he's not ready to be a husband.

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