
What would you do in this case US Army?

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I have been trying to enlist for close to 4 months now, and I finally go to mepps and the doc. says she needs to have my counseling papers from a long time ago. My recruiter says its going to be like another month or two before I can enlist and my job wont hire me back because I didn't leave for basic training yet and I took military leave . I have credit cards and car payment etc what should I do?




  1. Its nice to see that the US army already screwed u hummmmm

  2. The Army was not going to let me be in the AIRBORNE due to the fact that I started about three or fore fires when I was but a wee kid. That was until my DI found out about it, he told them I was just the type they wanted in the 82nd. When they ask me why I started te fires I told them "I was board" and off the jump school I went. Good luckk

  3. Who exactly told you there were any guarantees? Sorry to hear about your bills and such, but the problem you are having is you burned the bridges behind you. You can't hold the Army accountable for what amounts to YOUR mistake in quitting your job BEFORE getting a commitment in writing and being assigned a reporting date from the Army. What I would do is move back home, if my parents would let me. Minimize the bills. Stop spending like there is no tomorrow. When you dig yourself into a hole, the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING. This delay is not the fault of the Army.  

  4. Get off Yahoo Answers and go get another job.  You should have never have quit in the first place.  Just like we told you yesterday, there is no guarantee you are getting into the Army with your past history so you better get a real job plan in place fast or move back in with mommy.  Your waiver could take up to a year as we told you yesterday as well.  Stop asking the same question and listen to what we are telling you. Are you just going to sit around and wait on the Army?  Bad plan especially if they come back and tell you no.  The longer it takes the more likely you won't be joining at all.  

  5. I would express my worries to that recruiter and get him to put a move on, he need you more than you need him. If that doesnt work then go to his station commander and let him know.

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