
What would you do in this driving scenerio?

by  |  earlier

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You're at a red light going straight ahead. The cars going across the intersection are from a funeral possesion, there are no police escorting. Your light now turns green, do you go, or do you wait for the possesion to finish?

I traditionally have waited for the possesion to pass, but sometimes those driving in the posession will actually stop....then I feel like I should go.




  1. Being sensible and practical is wat one needs to be at times. So if u wait out of respect then see to it that no other people r at inconvenience due to u. If like u mentioned the people in mourning wait then it's sensible to move ahead as they know u also have things to take care of just the way they wud have done if the scene was reversed. So looking at the situation u shud act accordingly. If u wait for the procession to pass then it's u who have respect and show humility, indeed a good thing but it's just not truly possible all the time.

  2. The hard part is figuring out which cars are in the funeral procession..! If you're sure that the procession has gone by, then go with your light. If some of the cars in the procession stop for their red, then I'd go with my green....cautiously.

  3. A funeral procession always has the right of way.  I'm surprised there is no police escort.  The police should be stopping at intersections, making suret he procession rolls uninterupted.  If a procession stopped on a crosss treet in front of me, I'd wave them on, because crossing it, even if they stop, is a violation.

    A good hearse driver shouldn't be letting that happen, either.

    A funeral procession should be traveling with all headlights on and funeral tags on the fenders as identifiers.  There should never be a question as to whether a car is in a procession or not.  The first car immediately following a funeral procession should leave plenty of room and does not have rights of way like the funeral participants.

  4. i there are cars in the intersection weather it is a funeral or not you should not go, i will always wait for the funeral unless the stop at the light then its time to go

  5. You wait for the procession to clear before moving.

    It has nothing to do with being religious, showing respect, or anything like that. It's illegal to interfere with a funeral procession no matter what. Any time you get in between two vehicles in the procession, that's considered interfering, and you can be ticketed.

  6. Interupting a funeral procession is against the law. You should wait for the final car. If they stop for the light, I would go if my light was green. Technically, you weren't the one interupting it, they were. I think they have to have some sort of marker on their vehicle, too, otherwise, how are you to know?

  7. Even though I'm not very religious, I still believe you should wait for the funeral possesion to leave completely before you start moving.

    Its just a way of showing that you respect the ceremony.

    P.S. I dont think it'll take you very long to wait for the funeral to go by so youre probably not gonna be in a hurry after its done.

  8. If there are any cars in the intersection, you should stay put.  When the intersection is clear and the cars on the cross street have stopped behind the line, you can go.  What kind of cars they are makes no difference.

  9. if they stop then it's like an ok for you to go

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