
What would you do in this situation? More than one question sorry :P?

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Hi everyone,

I'm in a new relationship with someone and we've been together for over 2 months. I love him, this has never happened to me so soon and I've never felt so scared and so happy in my entire life!

I can't beleive how terrified I am! I've always been the girl with confidence and not cared about how people saw me. I always thought noone was too good for anyone and now I think he's too good for me! He's so perfect! I find myself constantly questioning the things I do and for some reason I love it while i hate it!

First question, how do you know when its the right time to tell someone you love them?

I don't want to say it and have him scared off or reject my feelings or anything like that... I've had a string of rough relationships and I really think this guy could be the one. Call me a hopeless romantic if you want (I know I would!) but thats how i truly feel.

And not to mention, he told me he's going to go to Perth for 2 months sometime this month, we've only been dating for just over 2 months! how will that affect our relationship? What would you guys do in a situation like this? I really want to try and make it work but I'm sure there are so many pretty girls in Perth and I'd constantly be worrying and panicking about the whole thing... its not that I don't trust him, I just don't know how exactly he feels about me yet. I know I should ask but isn't it too soon for those kinds of questions?




  1. if he didnt love you then he wouldnt be with you! its never too soon too say you love someone if u are in a relationship!

    As for perth, just enjoy eachothers company and dont worry about it! you will have a great time. as long as u are together; nothing matters.

    Hope i helped, take care and good luck



  2. When you really start falling for someone like you have all the insecurities you have are natural. Of course there will be pretty girls in perth but there are pretty girls everywhere this doesnt mean they are right for him,  you obviously are or he wouldnt be with him. I think it would be a good idea to tell him how you feel before he goes then atleast you will know how he feels to save all the worrying while he's away. Trust me if he is the 'one' like you think he is he will come back to you and no other girl he meets in perth will match up to you. Good luck...

  3. It's never too soon to tell someone you love them. You tell them when you feel ready. And for me, two months is more than enough to determine wether you love someone or not. And as for the Perth matter I would subtly mention or make it clear that you'll be waiting for him back home. Make little comments like 'I'm gonna miss you!' or 'I can't wait till you come back and this whole Perth thing is over!' and he'll get the message. Being in love is an amazing sensation, but it's even more amazing when you can openly share it with someone.

  4. I strongly recommend you wait before you confess all of your feelings.  It's only been two months, so everything feels wonderful and fantastic.  While they feeling may last, it will certainly die down after you've dated for 6-9 months.  It's called the honeymoon period.  When it's over, you're both comfortable with each other, you don't do all the cute things you did early on, and you start to realize if this person truly is the one for you.

    Wait 6-9 months before you say anything.  You don't want to tell him you love him now, then find out three months later that he likes to spend every night drinking with his buddies and only sees you on Sundays -- is that the kind of boyfriend you want?  I completely respect your feelings; I've been there myself!  But I don't want you to say it and then realize that maybe you don't really feel that way.  Like you said, you've had a long string of relationships; no need to rush through this one and turn it into another lost relationship.

    As far as Perth is concerned, you do need to talk to him about that.  Ask him what he's going to be doing, how often you can expect to hear from him, if he wants to put things on hold or still be official while he's gone, things like that.  Yes, there will be other girls there, but if he's really into you, he's not going to go off with them.  His answer to "should we put our relationship on hold" should tell you how he feels about you; you won't even need to ask that directly.

    If you do stay together for those two months, be sure to keep yourself busy.  You will feel the strain and start to miss him, but don't become obsessive or miserable or (worse) overanazlye his lack of correspondence.  That's why you need to get those things figured out ahead of time.  Best of luck!

  5. It depends on what your relationship is like, if you both are very open and honest with each other, then you shouldnt really worry about him going away.  If you have open continuous flow of communication this wont affect your relationship much except you will miss him.  If you're really worried  instead of telling him you love him, try and find ways to find out how he feels about you i.e ask him if he has ever been in love, when would he like to settle down or even get some friends to get information out of him e.t.c.  Only you can know when the right time is to be honest.  If you love him then it cant be too soon to ask these questions.

  6. Hello Pure1998

    You're in love....That's so great.  

    If he's going to Australia, that would be the time to tell him you love him.  Tell him like 2 days before he leaves.  If you don't he will be on the beach with those little ausee girls,  drunk looking 4 love....No what I mean?  So tell him you love him. That means a relationship.


    Forget about those used up ausee chicken headed girls...okay. He will be faithful and he will call you every day I bet. So hang in there  Good Luck ...10-4  

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