
What would you do in this situation during a zombie Apocalypse?

by Guest65555  |  earlier

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well see, im very paranoid/intrested in zombie apocolypse,so i think of scenarios and think of a way out ! The scenario is your stuck in an abondoned gasoline station with some matches, a rubberband, staples, a beat up truck, and some kool-aid...what would you do?? well lets remember this is a zombie apocolypse so,...lets add a machine gun to the list..... ^_^




  1. Depends on the woman I am trapped with.  

    Does the gas station have any nitromethane laying around?  If it did, you could beat the paperclips flat, use the staples as structural members, lay the paperclip sheeting over the staple frame to build a rocketship, mix the nitromethane with the Kool-Aid and rubber band as a budget version of HTPB propellant, and blast off to colonize another planet using the matches to light the rocket motor, thereby escaping the zombies.  I guess I might take the machine gun along in case there were mean animals on the new planet.  

    But if the woman is barfy-yucko I'm not sure it would be worth it.  I might just shoot myself with the machine gun.

  2. If I thought about scenarios like that, I would go to my doctor and ask for a prescription of Prozac.

  3. go lotting get myself some fast cars some machine guns take um down and get my self some dolla and some food and a big

  4. First drink the Kool-Aid.  I would make some Zombie cocktails.  These can be made by finding old coke bottles and pouring gas into them and stuffing old rags into the neck.  I would make sure the beat up truck runs and is full of gas.  When the zombies come, light the cocktails, throw them at their feet, and have a Zombie bar-b-que.

  5. Machine gun, I assume you are a civilian, so which term "machine gun" are you using? A belt fed automatic weapon made for covering fire, or a fully automatic weapon, which may not be belt fed?

  6. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. with the gun I would rob him of his money, then fill up the truck and drive away

  8. just try to act like one of them, you might be spared unless they can tell....

  9. You always get to the roof...zombies can't climb.  Grab all of the drinks, snacks, smokes, and toilet paper you can find (it's a gas station after all).  What ever you do, DON'T set animated zombies on fire!  Fire doesn't slow them down until it destroys the brain, by which time they've walked right into the wall of the building you're hiding in.  Burning zombies cause more death per outbreak than man-made global warming ever will.

    Use the rifle to shoot any wouldbe looters, moochers, or overly-opinioned know the ones...

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