
What would you do in this situation? (hyperthetically)?

by  |  earlier

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A womens outside and you can see shes been attacked:

would you a)ring the police

b)just watch and hope someone else rings

c)ignore it not wanting to get involved.

Also would your reaction be the same for a man.




  1. I would do neither of the above, I would have to go down and help the woman, I think a mans reaction would be the same as mine

  2. I'd probably laugh, then try rob her clothes.

    OF COURSE i'd ring the police you frikkin idiot.

  3. I would grab my phone and while ringing the police shout and make a lot of noise while running to help the person being attacked, weather it's a woman or man we must try at the very least to help other people in situations.

  4. If I were YOU in this situation, I would

    1. Ring the police

    2. Go out and try to help her

    3. Learn to spell "hypothetically"

    4. Learn to spell "woman"

    Yes, my reaction would be the same for a man.

  5. a) ring the police - as I ran out there to help

    Would not matter if it was man or a woman

  6. This sounds very much like the case of poor Kitty Genovese. I would ring the police, I know all about crowd psychology. and my reaction would be exactly the same for a man.

  7. Ring for help.

    Write down details of attacker and time etc as you will probably forget it when questioned.

  8. I would probably run out & shout because I'm daft like that - whether it was a man or a woman.  

  9. Ring the police and take a picture of the attacker.

    It's the least you could do for the poor person and yes I'd do the same for both genders.

  10. I would probably ring the police, and keep an eye on her until they arrived.  I wouldn't want to risk myself being attacked, but wouldn't want to ignore the situation.  

  11. I would ring the Police and make sure they knew  the location.  Then I'd have to get involved or I couldn't live with myself.

  12. Yes I would ring the police and my reaction would be the same for a man

  13. Serious?! Get off your A#$ and help her! What a question! Of course the same for a man...anyone.

    Well, lemme the hypothetical being attacked and winning?

    Anyway, if someone's getting hurt, go help!

    I had to re-read this like 5 times, to make sure i got it right.

    Edit: Too amazed by this..Suppose its your hypothetical MOTHER getting her teeth knocked out, out there! Take a picture of the attacker? GADS! She's someone's mother/sister/daughter (gender shift) son/papa/brother!

    Monsters in the world....

    Edit 2: Ahh...hee! Been. Ya, past tense. Scrutiny didn't help me, but a little consolation that I wasn't the only one. Past-tense, attacker gone doesn't change the situation much. Only the confrontation is out of the applies.

  14. I'd fetch popcorn and coke and get the best seat in the house......

  15. "a) ring the police - as I ran out there to help

    Would not matter if it was man or a woman"


  16. I wouldn't do any of these things, I would panic and hope who ever attacked him/her doesn't come and attack me...

  17. Ring the police and help her out while the police are getting there.

  18. Call the police whether a man or woman was getting assaulted.  I would feel horrible if I did nothing.  Since I am really tiny I don't think it would help them much if I tried to fight.

  19. I hope if the situation arises I would help! But, lots of research has been conducted examining the 'diffusion of responsibility' that humans engage in in  times of crisis! Check out the link below....

  20. call the police and photograph the scene if it is safe ("been" is past tense, so i assume the attacker is gone) ...  carry a blanket to the person, but keep my distance if there is blood (don't want to contract HIV or risk worsening a wound fromt he attack), and ask the police if I am allowed to offer water or anything like that to keep the person from going into shock ...

    gender would not matter

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