
What would you do in this situation....?

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My Mom gave me a lamp for my 50th b-day, yes, a lamp. It is an angel, all country colors w/a beige shade. And yes, it is hideous. If you walked into my home you'd see mediterranean to art nouveau styling, no clutter, just simple & mostly browns, greens & black. The lamp does not for a minute fit into my is currently in the garage which my hub is not happy about due to a lack of space. I honestly think my Mom bought it for herself, she loved it & gushed over it....I was thinking, ugh...what do I do with it? Any serious suggestions? I don't want to lie..I've thought of giving it to her for 'her' to enjoy. Please help. T Y for your thoughts...................♥




  1. From the way it sounds, I would keep it in the garage,too. You could always bring it inside when she is visiting. After a year of the charade, give it to her saying something like, " I thought you would enjoy getting this back. I can no longer use it." She may confess that it is hideous and gave it to you as a joke. Or you could keep it in the living room and explain to every visitor you have that you elderly mother gave that ugly lamp to you as a b-day gift and felt obligated to use and was glad she remembered your birthday at her age.

  2. Hey, we're not talking about some friend or acquaintance.  This is your MOM ... so keep it handy and make sure it is out and in a place of honor when she visits.  If she was gushing over it she obviously thought it was very nice, and thought you would enjoy it as much as her.

    Making your Mom feel good is one of those good sorts of lies.  And telling her you don't like it will make her feel bad so ... just think of it as a gift to her, that she doesn't know about.

  3. You're fifty for God's sake, give it back.

  4. Tell her ' mom I love the idea of your thoughtful gift, I just don't know how to fit it in my house with the kind of decorating I have- it would look much prettier in your home'

  5. find a nice way to tell her that it doesn't match your decor and you're having a hard time finding a spot for it. ask if theres anything it would match in her house, hinting that she can take it

  6. Tell her that you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it because you were minding some kids the other day and they almost broke it. Then tell her to please keep it safe in her house for you and that you wouldn't want anything to happen to it etc etc.. =D

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