so ever since my fiance and I have been together, I have had the name Addison on my list for girl names. So its been over four years since I have been in love with it ( i'm really obsessed with names ) Anyways, My fiance's brother's wife just had a baby boy this evening and named him jace, they knew it was a boy from the start and said the name was to be Jace. I overhead, not directly from the wife, but overhead that if she was to have a girl she wanted to name her Addison. I got really upset because I know I'm going to have the next child in the family ( we aren't pregnant yet but are trying next summer) so I would have my first child before she has a second. So if i get pregnant and have a girl and named her Addison, which I want to do because that has been my favorite name for a while, would that be wrong?
I'm sorry i'm overemphasizing but I just dont know what to do in this case....