
What would you do just to stop animal cruelty?

by  |  earlier

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people are always saying "stop animals cruelty!".but to what extent can you give just to support such campaign?what are the things are you willing to do just to stop animal honest.coz i don't think anyone here really just do anything about about it.most people just keep saying "stop animal cruelty" yet they are not doing anything...whenever i see those question,i laugh.because they keep saying it but does it really changes ANYTHING at all?it is amusing to read those questions...





  1. I WOULD DO ANYTHING/EVERYTHING I POSSIBLY COULD TO STOP IT.... its so crule the poor animals need to be taken care of!

  2. In my opinion, you can't /stop/ animal cruelty.

    Be it big scale, marketing, animal testing cruelty, or a man kicking a dog, you can't stop it.

    However, you can HELP when these things happen by donating time, money, or items to shelters/charities which help animals.

    But, you're right- there's nothing you can do to stop it. You can report cruelty; you can boycott big companies who test on animals- but you can't STOP it, only avoid it yourself and help when it does happen.



    So you'd rather thousands of humans die in agony from cancer than a handful of animals get tested on?

    Jesus, I like animals too, but that's just a little extreme- they can't help testing on animals, genius.

  3. Until they stop testing on animals I wont give to cancer research.

    I give to cat protection league and other animal charities.

    I have rescue  pets

    I never knowingly cause suffering to any animal

    I buy free range eggs

    If I can afford it I buy humanely farmed meat

    I advise people on pet care when needed if possible

    I dont buy make up tested on animals

    I dont wear fur

    I dont expect to be able to change the world but if I help a few animals along the way it is worth it. The more people who do their own little thing, it will all add up and make a difference.

  4. uhh. make my own animal shelter for all animals. and the only way yu can adopt is if your recoreds dont recall you doing anything harmful to a pet =]

  5. I worked in a shelter for 5 years

    I try to educate people to spay and neuter and NOT to buy from pet stores

    I have my own hens for free range eggs.. and eat less meat

    I do NOT buy any "fur" products

    I have this link

    which I spread to educate others.. you can too!

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