
What would you do or how would you feel...

by Guest60236  |  earlier

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if your neighbor brought over a gift for your grandchild and handed it to her when his wife just got over the flesh eating staph infection MRSA?




  1. I would be surprised.

    I'd accept the gift and thank him, and then bring over a casserole or a dessert to their home later, as things are probably rough over at their home.

  2. MRSA is a super bug.

    If you didn't want your neighbor over then you shouldn't have invited them in. I'm assuming the gift was either wrapped or in plastic so your grandchild is most likely safe.

    Make sure your neighbor gets a thank you note for the gift!

  3. I would be grateful that they were kind enough to do something nice for me, when they have had a hard time. You shouldn't worry about the infection since you said she just got over it. I think they were very nice to do it.  

  4. You would be surprised at how many people don't think about these things.  When I used to work in a hair salon I had a lady come in for her weekly wash and set with a horrible rash and told ne that she had shingles.  I was 8 months pregnant and it really made me nervous.  I would have thought that since she just broke out with something contagious that she would have stayed home but that was definitely not the case.  Ugh!  I think that since she is recovered that it should be fine but it's really a hard decision to make since it is serious and involves your loved ones.

  5. I would say "thank you" and I would feel grateful that even though they have had a major life-threatening illness in the family they were thoughtful enough to remember my grandchild.

    If you are a germaphobe, put the gift in the garage for a week--but that isn't even necessary.  The woman has recovered--

    Don't let your phobia make you appear like a rude ingrate!  

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