
What would you do or say to your daughter?

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Hi. I am 15 years old and my mom is really disapointed in me beacuse this summer i went down to my grandma's house at the shore to find a summer job. i found a job at this pizza parlor. I was really mad that i had to be down the shore because i only saw my friends once or twice literally! so anyway i started taking the tips that the customers left behind. i mean normally thats find but at this store when you get your tips you put them in a jar and that are spilt up in everyones pay check (g*y). so i started taking like small amounts like 3 or 2 dollars. then 2 other kids told me they were doing the same thing. and i was like ****, somehow the owners or bosses or whatever would find out. and they did. so they held this meeting thing without me, intill a call comes and i have to go in to the store to find the two boys that where taking tips. some how they new it was us and they said that there was about 500 dallors gone and i had o pay money back or whatever. but they called my mom and she was litarally horrible and heartbroken. i felt so bad what my mom thinks of me is so important. everybody in the family was devistated, and i felt so bad. and in al of this mess i drank two mikes hard leamonades. and my grandma found out. so of coarse she had to telll my mom. and idk what to do i don;t think that my mom has any trust in me. just as a side note i am not a bad person at all i just made a mistake and i learned form it. so how should my mom react?




  1. Your mom is going to be disappointed, you were STEALING.  I think the drinking part isn't that bad.

  2. Your mom loves you or she wouldn't care.  Stealing has it's consequences and yes you learned from it.  As to where you got the alcohol would be a concern too.  I know if it were my daughter I would be upset and have a discussion with her like What were you thinking!?!  Do you realize you have put your job at jeapardy?  Do you realize you have hurt your chances to use your employer as referances for any other jobs?  Do you realize it wasn't that it was cheating, but it was stealing? We all make mistakes in life, we learn and suffer the consequences. There are worse things in life that can happen, just take your punishment and move on. Your parents will lighten up and things will eventually blow over, but remember the lesson!  You are going to have to earn your trust back, but make amends with what you have done.

    When my daughter was about your age, we found a bong, and roach clips in her room when I was putting away laundry.  I was very upset, but let my husband do the discussing since he works at the prison.  She was grounded of course and taken away her driving privleges.  We knew she was a good kid, just fell the wrong hands of peer pressure.  Today she is a drug councilor and next month she finishes her graduate training in criminal justice. I am proud of her and I know one day you will make your mom really proud too.

  3. Hi, as mum's we hope that we teach our kids the right choices to make. When they make the wrong choice, we tend to ask ourselves what WE did wrong, it feels like we let our kids down in some way.  You are lucky to have got caught out, because you sound like you understand that it was the wrong thing to do.  I'm confident you wont do it again.  As a mum I would encourage you to admit you did the wrong thing and that there are no excuses for it. Apologise for letting her down and accept whatever consequence she hands out, graciously.  We all make mistakes and it takes time to earn trust back.   Please stay away from the alcohol, I know from experience that it can lead to many regrets.  This time, please listen to the advice rather than finding out the hard way.  Chin up and soldier on.

  4. We can't tell you how your mom should have or could have reacted, but I think she reacted appropriately. She is disappointed. BUT, I think she should know that this is a learning experience, a chance to learn more about life, and that you'll never do it again. You learned a lesson, you know the consequences, and now it can be forgotten. Hopefully she won't hold a grudge about it. Good luck, sweetie! I'm sure this will turn out fine. =)

  5. Why  the h**l should anyone give you any sympathy? You stole. You're just pathetic. I hope your mother whacks your sorry ***.

  6. wow grounded and have to pay back the money;...

  7. I don't really understand what you mean 'how should my mom react' she has every right to react upset and really disappointed in you. Not only did you steal but you also were drinking, and you are underage. My mom has always told me she will trust me until I give her a reason not to, and if I break that trust I have to regain that trust with her. It's good that you learned from your mistake, but you have to deal with the consequences now.  

  8. If i was your mom i would dis-own u you stealing underage drinking priiiick!!!

  9. You're mums right to react the way she did...after what you did.

  10. They are reacting like this because they are just trying to show you and teach you that you made a mistake and you should learn from it.  You sound like a good kid. Everybody makes mistakes it's part of growing up and learning right and wrong.  This will all pass in time and they will forgive you but for now maybe you should write a letter to your mom and explain that you feel awful about what you did and tell her what you have learned from it.  This would probably mean a lot to her and make her happy.

  11. Your mom is disappointed in you but let me assure you that a mother's love is unconditional.  I think your best bet is to apologize, admit that you were wrong in what you were doing and straighten up.  While she probably has lost some trust in you, you can definately earn it back.  She knows that you are not a bad person, people make mistakes and learn from them...that's how life works.

  12. You tell her exactly what you just told us.

  13. Of course your mother is upset and doesn't trust you. I would do the same to my daughter. You have to chalk this up as a mistake in life and learn from it. Quit making excuses for yourself and accept the fact that you did wrong. You will have to earn your mothers trust back. You are lucky that your bosses didn't press charges on you for stealing. Pay the money back and keep your nose clean. As far as drinking that was just stupid. If you were my daughter I would have been alot harder on you. You would have every privilage taken away and you would have been grounded. You would have to earn everything back back little by little including my trust.

  14. well you drank because you figured, "im already in trouble. what the heck." wrong thinking but the damage is done. so what should you do to get her trust back. thats the hard part and my son is 17 and trying to do the same thing from us. idk if you still have that job at the pizza shop anymore, i would think not, but if youre still working you need to be honest in everything you do from here on out. all tips in jar. do not rat people out to your boss. be on time. professional. no more drinking. be helpful around the house. no disrespect towards parents/grandparents. when she tells you to be home a certain time be sure to be in at that time.

    just do what she asks. thats all a parent wants. i didnt hear you say once that you hate your mom so you must have a good relationship with her.  

  15. she should spank your butt

  16. you stole

    my parents screamed at me for stealing a 10.00 flash drive from my school.

    i was grounded for a month

    honestly all i can say is you should be ashamed of yourself


  17. I've done stupid things in the past that my mom was disappointed in too.  It's normal for your mom to be upset and to lose trust in you, but eventually you'll earn it back.  Start by taking responsibility for what you've done.  Admit that you've made a terrible mistake and give examples how you should have acted.  Let her know that you realize you made a poor decision.  Tell her what you have learned and how you intend to make up for what you have done.  Go out of your way to make mature decisions that your mother will see (going to bed early, doing your school work, doing chores that your mom doesn't ask you to do, etc.) and with time your mom will trust you again.  If you haven't already, pay the money back.  And about the drinking-- I don't know what to say about that because I don't have experience in being caught underage, but I would stay away from situations involving alcohol (like parties) so your mom sees you're not developing a bad habit.  I hope things work out!

  18. Just tell her the other guys told you they were doing it, so you tried it you know it was wrong you paid it back and you've learned a good lesson as for the mikes, its not too strong so i dont think she'll care too much just tell her it was cause your stressin. Good luck!

  19. You NEVER take tips. NEVER. I used to work at a lake, and we would record how many people would come in and pay a small fee to enter. When the manager wanted to go and get lunch for everyone she would erase about five guests and take around 25 dollars from the box. I had coffee maybe two times and then I refused to take any more. I wanted to prevent something like what you described from happening. What if one day they installed a camera? What if what if.

    It is wrong to steal money period.

  20. I'd have you grounded fer sure. You'd have to work back all of this money and give it to the pizza parlor. My broher stole $40 from my friend and my mom was PISSEDDDDDD.

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