
What would you do - please answer?

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My cycle length has varied over the past four months from 35 days to 32 days. I'm currently on CD29, what day would you take a pregnancy test?

I've been having breast tenderness and cramps since CD25. I don't do opk's or charting so don't know whether I ovulated this month. We've been trying to conceive since March 08 after a miscarriage.





  1. if you are pregnant the early pregnancy test should be accurate now the first responce are good...i have also been trying since march yes i would more than likely take a test now im impatiant

  2. Welcome to my world. I have cycles from 29 to 34 days. Wait until the cd that you had your last cycle- if you had a 33 day cycle then wait to cd 33 to test. Also, remember that lots of women don't test BFP until the date of missed period. If you had a 35 day cycle it is likely you ovulated around day 21 so it is a little too early to test now.  

  3. I would take one on day 35 honey. Just to be sure. Very sorry to hear of your miscarriage :-( Good luck, baby dust x*x

  4. So sorry about your miscarriage, had one too... so I know how you feel. I would  take it on day 35 just to be sure.

    Lots of babydust. God bless.

  5. Well if it were me I would test now just because I can never wait. However, from a logical standpoint you would be better off to wait a couple more days, I would say at least to CD32 so you can trust the result more.  Baby Dust and wishes for a BFP!

  6. wait until at least day 32. even if you are on a 35 day cycle, a test may be positive at that point anyway, if it's negative then wait until day 35 or 36 to test again.  

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