
What would you do...?

by  |  earlier

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you told one of your best friends a "secret"

that secret was about something dirty someone else did

then that person texted you getting pissed because they found out you told her about something private

what would you do ?




  1. What would I do?

    1)  Admit my wrong to the one offended, I understand I may not be trusted with personal information from her/him in the future.

    2)  Go to the person(s) I told and get in their faces (in spite of the fact I'm no better, for also having told)(which is a little humiliating to admit, right?).

  2. You told one of your best friends a secret and she goes and blabs it around town so that it gets back to the person you told her about.

    Mark that best friend off your list. She is not trustworthy.  

  3. First I would not betray a friends trust, even with another friend.

    second I think there are degree's of secrets, some sworn some implied

    You owe your friend an apology

    as your other friend owes you one

    From now on you must be sure what secret means to the one you are keeping it for.

  4. I myself would confront your Best friend and ask why he/she told what you asked him/her not to..

  5. i would say you learned a valuable lesson. wait for it to blow over. and next time you want to share a dirty bit of gossip. change the names to protect the parties involved.

  6. if you're saying the person you told got mad at you

    well then i would never tell them something again and hope they don't tell

    if you're saying the person it was about got mad at you

    well then

    i would just wait for it to blow over

    and um.. apologize

  7. mmmm

    It's not a secret if you share.
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