
What would you do????????

by  |  earlier

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you've just come home from work after a long and tiring day....soon as you get in the house you notice youve been robbed,theyve taken your 50,000 cheque that was left on the bookshelf which was given to yout from your dads will,everything in the house has gone. t.v ,VCR, DVD player etc .whats the first thing you do....AAAARRRGGGHHHHH




  1. The first thing i would say is oh my god

    the first thing i would do i call police

    my first expression would be horrified

    and then I would call the one who I love the most

    isn't tht answer interesting and ur question is interesting too

  2. Phone the police and then the cheque's issuing bank to have it stopped. UK cheques are in most cases crossed A/C Payee, so provided the bank is notified immediately, you have nothing to worry about. However, if the police refused to attend, as it was reported they did at one robbery, I think that I'd go hopping mad!

  3. c**p my pants (twice)

  4. Put the kettle on

  5. check into a four seasons, get a haircut, and later flee the country to avoid the still alive mom lol


    Phone tha police oww and i'l probably crying ma eyes out!

  7. Have a mental breakdown.

  8. I'd call the police

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