
What would you do........?

by  |  earlier

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should i give her the letter and then wait to see if she wants to meet with me before i give her the golden rose? OR do i give them both to the university to give to her at the same time??




  1. 1. Does she know who your are?

    2. What does the letter say?

    3. Why not give it to her yourself?

    Be a little nicer man. Not everyone leaves their questions public so a lot of people don't even try. Not to mention why should we hunt down your other questions just to answer you? And this isn't even about a marriage/divorce so take it easy ok?!

    Now that you have been properly scolded, I would have done this a long time ago. You have been broken up for almost 3 months and you are just now doing this right before she leaves? Like I said, I would have done this a long time ago, but since you waited til the last minute I would tell her anyway. If you don't you will always wonder what if.

  2. ummm...are you on the show "The Bachelor"? Why are you handing out letters and roses?

  3. Give her the letter and the rose,personally.

  4. Golden rose? University? Give who what letter? Does she know you? Are you a stalker? Are you living in infatuation?

  5. I would do like to know what your talking about?

  6. This question might be better in the proper section..

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