
What would you do...

by  |  earlier

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If you just found out that your boyfriend of five years used to do a drug, one that is very illegal and dangerous......four years ago. I asked around and his friends say that he doesn't do it any more and had tried it a few times long time ago. I know he doesn't do it any more, but he never told me that he even did ever!

Should I be hurt and mad and confront him, or just let it go since it was so long ago and he obviously doesn't do it now.

Its the fact that there are things he did that he STILL hasn't told me.

Should I dump him, or jsut confront him and let it go?




  1. dont dump him maybe the reason he stoped was coz he meet u and he dosent want to lose u but yes confront him and tell him that u know

    well good luck

  2. just let it go since it was so long ago and he obviously doesn't do it now.

    talk about it if you must just to clear the air but a confrontation will not do anyone any good. Why would you break up with him when he has obviously changed. If you love him you won't part with him for his past lifestyle.
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