
What would you do??

by  |  earlier

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i asked this question before but, didn't get the answer i wanted. i would like to know if you had to do an activity with a about ten 7th and 8th graders what would u do???




  1. If it were me, I would get something messy....but I don't know what the situation is.

    You need to give more information to help with your question though. what is it for? what is your time frame? How many kids? How many games? and stuff like that.

    I am part of Young Life, and we are always playing games. I don't know the website, but maybe is you google Young Life games you would get an idea.

    In high school we always did stuff with our bodies. ( not what you are thinking if you have a rotten mind.) we would lay on the ground and put our arms looped in each others arms. sorry, I don't know how to explain it well. We would lay on our stomachs with our arms in front of us. The person to the right of you would put their arm over yours to wear their hand is in front of you (make sense?) and then we would slap the ground in order. If you mess is are out. If you do a double slap it reverses. So i would slap my hand once, the person on the left of me would slap their right had next....its infront of my face. Then the person on the right of me would slap their left hand and then i would slap my right hand. does that make sense? I know this was a really fun game.

    We would also get in a circle and put our hands in the middle, and with our eyes closed and grab a hand. Then we would untangle ourselves. Its a great project to learn to work as a team, and unslove the problem.

  2. spin the bottle

  3. Play ball

  4. A few ideas: Paint Ball, Movie, Nature Hiking, Video game party.  The last one, you can have some of the kids bring there game consoles and gather for some party games.  It is fun, relatively cheep (you only have to supply food).  If I had more details about why the group is getting together and any more details about the personalities of the group, I might be able to help more.
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