
What would you do????

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What would you do if you found out that your 8 yr old child had been stealing money from you?????




  1. Talk to her about it-she needs to know that its the wrong thing to do! maybe work out an allowance for her if she is wanting some independance with money??

  2. Tough question, but i believe that all children go through that stage. I would go to him privately without telling your spouse and ask him. if he says no, don't force it and just believe him and let it go. If he says yes, don't get mad. Just ask him why he would do that, tell him why it's wrong, and give him a fair punishment such as no allowance for 1 month or more or a loss of tv or computer priviledges. Maybe he has a descent excuse.

  3. Tear his or her butt up!....You know I really don't know. Sorry!

  4. Grounding, lack of tv, video games and strip thier room of all non-essentials.  They must learn that theft must never be allowed, and theft in the house is even worse as you should be able to relax and trust those you live with.

  5. confront her tell her that its wrong shes 8 years old she might not know better yet

  6. Two things.

    1) There would be some serious punishment involved. In my house it would involve a spanking (NEVER with anything other than an open hand, and NEVER more than 6 to 10 swats, and only on the behind). AND a loss of television and other such treats for about a week.

    BEFORE I did that though I would sit down and talk with the child and find out why they were stealing, and why they needed the money. I'd want to know why they didn't talk to me and ask for the money, and why they needed the money so badly.  If they had a good story that would mitigate the punishment.  A lot would depend on that.  I would want to explain to them how seriously wrong stealing is, but I would also want to know why they did it.   If they had a good story they could probably talk me out of all but one or two behind swats.

    I would also make sure that the child knew that the punishment wasn't because I was mad (though I would let them know I am mad) but because they need to learn the lesson, and a little pain is a wonderful teaching tool.

    The worrysome thing is you don't want the kid having a secret life you don' t know about. You want them to talk with you about the problems not seak around.

    I would also make sure they knew that while I was upset over their behavior, I still loved them very much.  Might impact how much I trusted them...I would explain that..but I would let them know that NO MATTER WHAT I loved them.  

  7. if my child stole money from me he would be grounded and all his favourite things would be taken away until the grounding ended. my mum is a single parent im grown up now and haven't lived with her for years but i have a fourteen year old sister who is out of control and im the only one who has any sort of control over her she pretty much laughs in my mum face so quite often when my sister does wrong i give her the punishment last time i grounded her to her room and her favourite things are her electrical goods so i took the fuses out if them all until the grounding was over.

  8. tell them that it is wrong and what do they need it for tell them that they should know better because at that age they do know right from wrong. tell them that the next time they do it they will be punished for it. thats what i would do n e way

  9. If it was the first time then I'd talk to them, tell them why it's wrong and why they shouldn't do it again.

  10. Doesn'y matter what age they are, stealing is wrong.  I would work out how much they had taken.. or ask them... and make them work doing odd jobs around the house for chores to pay back the money.  Every job they do say if they hadn't stolen the money they would of had that money but instead its going back into the 'you stole from mummy' jar.  and after all the money is paid back hopefully your son can keep doing the jobs around the house to have his own money, and realise that it was wrong to steal from you.
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