
What would you do? sis in law put a diaper on my 4 yr old!!!?

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ok so my son has been totally potty trained for well over a yr, all of a sudden he started pooping in his pants i think were over this i hope but anyways heres the question he spent the night with my bro in law and sis in law and supposedly pooped in the bath tub and in his pants 2 times verrrrrry odd so i think they exaggerated on that part anyways they put a diaper on him they said they didnt have anymore clothes whatever they have a tiny 8 yr old son and im sure he could have fit in his stuff.........i kept my mouth shut what would u have done? think i should allow him over there anymore? thanks serious answers only please




  1. i would have asked them if there was any incidents with going to the toilet, did he ask and was told no, was he made to wait till someone else was done, were they out and there wasnt a toilet. if you know he hasnt done this before id be questioning the factors as to why he done it with them and why they were too lazy to properly address the problem ie reassure him, its ok it was an accident, but next time be sure to tell me when you need to go.

    my BF cousin has a 2.5 yr old who is totally ready to be toilet trained. she knows when she needs and she knows when she has went buit due to the parents laziness she is still in nappies. we were helping them move, and i found her hiding in the garage. i asked if she was ok, she started stamping her feet and whispered, ive went to the toilet, i said its ok, lets get cleaned up and it will be fine. i was astounded she had a nappy on. she clearly didnt want to dirty herself and was mad when she did. when i went into the house with her, i founf out she asked her parents to go to the toilet and they totally dismissed her forcing her to dirty herself.

  2. you took it well cause i woud of snaped. it's not about you and your brother and sister-in-law it's about that little boy who thinks he's a big boy and with them putting a butt cover back on him just killed his self estem. he's a kid they ase going to make mis-stakes. maybe he just has a little bowel control issue that may take time for him to over come. I would have a talk with yor brother and sister in law and your son so you will know how he feels also.

  3. You need to address this with your brother and sister-in-law.  Let them know that you dont approve and why.  Give them the chance to correct their decision in the future before you decide that he cant go over there again.  If they continually do things that you disagree with and do not listen to your wishes, than you have every right to react by limiting their contact with your son.

  4. I child who is still having occasional accidents is not totally potty trained. I am sorry but I feel what they did was the right thing. I mean what if he had peed or pooped on their furniture? They had every right to protect their possessions and one night in a diaper is not going to make him revert. In my opinion unless you want your stuff ruined, he should be in pull ups until there are no more accidents for a year. Just my opinion though. I am sure I will get lots of thumbs down! lol

  5. i would talk to them cause that could ruin everything!

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