
What would you do <span title="if..............................................?">if..........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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What would you do if, you were strolling in the park on a nice summer day. Then out of no where a person came up to you and KICKED YOU ON THE SHIN! and then calmly said "Sorry" and then walked off?




  1. kick him/her back.lolz.

  2. I&#039;d send my dog after him to bite him in the shin - why would I be in the park on a nice summer day without my dog?

  3. Chase the person. Ask them why they kicked me. Then if a man kick them in the balls. And say &quot;sorry&quot; and walk away.

    If a woman ask her why she did it, and walk away.

    And maybe have her arrested for assault.

  4. Cry

  5. i would laugh lol. seriously! i would be like &quot;omfg that hurt. haha that dude is aawesomee&quot;


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