
What would you do to cheer yourself up if you knew your spouse would be going to jail for child support?

by  |  earlier

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We have a attoney but it isnt looking so well we have saved all we have. Just so sad for my husband. How can i look on the bright side. Its nothing like him being a deadbeat dad he got behind a few months and the price has added up now....he probally will be going away. I can i enjoy the last few days?




  1. just keep reminding him you are behind him and support him. you love him no matter what.

  2. Depending on the state, he may not go to jail, same thing happened to my father, he lost his job and got behind, they just paid him pay extra to catch up, he didn't go to jail.  I would just try to think positive that he wont end up in jail, that they will just make him pay extra to get caught up.  Best of luck!!

  3. i understand how upset you are but he didn't pay his obligation.  i also understand that people get behind in payments, but it isn't ok to get behind to your kids.  cut off the cell phone, internet, cut back on eatting out or buying things, cook at home and pay what you owe the kids. it's all about choices.

  4. His ex wife must be overjoyed knowing that she sent him there...beactch! A bullet would cure that. Sorry about that...but I think the whole process is insane. Take Care  

  5. If he's only a few months behind and can prove that the circumstances were beyond his control (i.e. lost his job, or gained an unexpected bill but tried his best to pay whatever he could) then he will not go to jail.  As long as he can show that he paid the mother of his children however much he could afford and it hasn't been a very long period of time, he will not be going away, don't worry.

    Next time you have a change of circumstance, go to court and have the child support order amended.

    Good luck.

  6. Just be nice to him and enjoy the calmness before the storm

  7. Break out the champagne

  8. I don't think you can do anything to cheer yourself up.Your man is going to jail and there is nothing you can do.Imagine how he must feel.Jail is a horrible place to be.It is so sad 4 ur little girl & 4 u.All of you.Can he get on work release?If you love him stand by him &go visit him as much as you can,and when he gets out,make sure he keeps his job so this never has to happen again.Good Luck 2 u all!

  9. First off, you don't need an attorney to modify child support. You go to family court and put in paper work for modification of child support (which is free) then they give you a court date for your hubby to make his case(no attorney's are involved) . So you are just lying and your husband deserves to be taught a lesson for not paying child support. Selfish man deserves a selfish woman, U...

  10. How does putting him in jail get child support payments to you?  Wouldn't he be better out of jail and having his wages garnished?

  11. This too will pass. Just ride it out. A few months is just a few months and he'll likely only serve half his sentence. Just focus on supporting him and keeping him bright and positive - the only thing you really have to worry about is his state of mind when he's in the clink. You shouldn't focus on cheering yourself up but on boosting your morale as a family and boosting the morale of your husband.

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