
What would you do to get into the MLB?

by Guest67034  |  earlier

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What would you do to get into the MLB?




  1. be a good player

  2. be a great baseball player in college and you might be picked for the MLB

  3. Play hard in the minors and become the best player i can be. Also be nice to managers and owners. (that chris12w being chris12w)

  4. Sleep with someone. That always works.

    Hahaha. JK.  

  5. Buy a ticket.

    Seriously I had my chance being drafted out of high school but chose football.

    I wonder what could of been,

  6. work and work and work. practice. belive in myself

  7. practice practice practice  

  8. just play baseball, im entering my senior year in high skl and i might be drafted, try put for the team and practice a lot, if you make the college team you'll most likely make it into R or A then u work your way up 2 AA and AAA then before u kno it, MLB

  9. I would do as I did in my past.  Join a baseball league and see if I had what it takes to get to the majors.  lol :)

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