
What would you do to his or her yahoo account ?

by  |  earlier

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What would you do to his or her yahoo account if you had the username and password of one of the yammers? Whose yahoo account do you choose?




  1. Your account and I would mess up with your Y!A acc. lol...

  2. nothing i guess

  3. I would have some fun, but nothing bad lah...

    Hey Wild Armpit, anytime I can give you pizza if you

  4. jgn hack aku.....account aku maseh suciiiiiii......

  5. Prince Bean ...

    I will change his password so that he will beg me to give him access .... then I will ask him to belanja me Pizza Hut Stuff Crust in order to give his account back lah ... not one time but whenever I want ... for life lah ... lol

  6. I'd use Mr Krab's account. Not to give blessings but to convert everyone into a squid fan. haha!!!

    Seriously... I won't dream of abusing anyone's account.

  7. I would inform the person to change his/her password...

  8. do personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.

  9. mine is good enough.. i guess..

    PEACE =D

  10. username=ginduras11


  11. Do nothing...not my idea of fun.

  12. i want your password can?

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