
What would you do to insure your child was accepted into a Gifted& Talented program?

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Would you enroll your child in an intensive pre-k? 2-3 hours a day that focused on literacy, math and classroom procedures that prepared them for the Kindergarten classroom.

Who thinks it is important for their child to be in a GT program?




  1. i would

    in montgomery county, u have to be able to read before you enter kindergarden, so it would be a plus if ure child could read and get the major basics down so it could help them in thier elementary career....

  2. Why do that to a child???

    To many kids are getting burned out too quickly. I would personally not push my kids into anything. Why is it so important for you child to be in this program? Is it so you can brag? Is it for your personally "achievement as a parent"? What is the genuine reason?

    Why not just let your kid be a kid? Let them enjoy The Wiggles, Barney, Elmo, coloring books, playing outside in the sand, you know, those things kids are supposed to do. Through those things, you can teach your child about all sorts of things IF they are interested.

    I personally would not do this. I have 4 children, two of which have passed the preschool age, 2 have not. My 2 year old is very smart, but I want him to enjoy being a little boy.

  3. i think if you goal is to make sure you child is in a GT program.. you need to reevaluate your goals as a parent. shouldnt you just want your child to be happy and do as well in school as then can?.. plus not every child will automatically excell like that. i dont know.. thats just my feelings on the subject

  4. If the child is naturally gifted, can sail through all that nonsense, then go for it.  If not, never pressurize into studying, it will destroy their love of learning.

    The Dalai Lama says:

    FIRST Nurture a child's heart before nurturing the mind.

    He means, children should be learning to communicate, making friends, understanding sadness/laughter etc.Do that first, then your one and one is two.....

    Also, remember that education is now a business, anything to get parents to dig deep into their pockets is usually seen as 'good for the children'.

  5. defintly not at this age.  I would continue to supplement my child with experiences that nurture he love of learning and challenge her when needed at home.  I would wait until she got into the school system and let them evelauate her in a few years.  PreK is a time to play, explore, make mistakes, learn social skills.  GT programs are too rigid for children this age

  6. well I was sent information about a course that would help train my daughter so she could get into a good pre-school.

    This is in Japan btw....

    ......I threw out the info

  7. If your child is in pre-k, my goodness, don't try to make a brain surgeon of them right away! Pre-K should be focused on learning basics along with learning social skills necessary for life. I have seen a child go through such an "intense" program, and he is now in 6th grade. He finds it extremely difficult to make friends, because he never learned theses social skills, and he's failing, because he's not sure what to do with himself. Work with your child on their homework every night. Read to them. Sing them songs. Love them. When they get older, answer all their questions, and stress the importance of education. But let them have fun! School is not only about learning out of a book.

  8. No; I would read to my child; I would make sure he was exposed to music; I would be sure that he is exposed to simple things like nursery rhymes; I would talk to my child.  In short, I would do my job as a parent, and TEACH my child.  

    In case you're wondering, it WORKED.  My "child" is 26 years old, a successful engineer, and he didn't need to give up his childhood in the process, because I spent TIME with him, instead of handing him over to some stranger who didn't care about him.

  9. Nothing.  You can't make a child be gifted.  It is something that the child is born with.

    I hate when parents do this.  It sets their kids up for nothing but frustration.

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