
What would you do to make the world a better place?

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What would you do to make the world a better place?




  1. Turn everyone into a there will be lots of love and peace....nearly everyone will be stoned all the time so wont have time for wars and will be pretty awesome!!!

  2. i'd ban money. if everything was free nobody would fight over things like oil, nuclear weapons, and hopefully it'd create a bit of world peace.  

  3. Sort out the supposedly "free" market that helps the rich countries get all they need for low prices at the expence of poorer countries. There is enough food to go round but where as some have too much some don't have enough. That just isn't right.

  4. Extend the life of humans for obvious reasons... make people happier and world will be better in general

  5. Treat people with equality... and respect other peoples religions and beliefs just like I want to be treated as a muslim...

  6. Peace, love, unity, strength and Harmony!

    I think we need to stop all the wars, violence, prejudice, racism, rapists, murders, druggies.

    we all need to be on the same level instead of being put into different classes.

    We all need to have the same wages regardless of job title.

    Why should a hard working factory worker get less than a footballer or Company director.

    All countries should have access to free education and health care.

    No one should have to be down in the gutter or made to feel worthless

    in this day and age!

    Would it really work? is the question. I suppose all countries will have to form under one government.

    I can see people hating my idea already! why? because they like to feel superior to everyone else! and they think wearing a suit does the trick!

  7. get rid of humans in general

    God had the right idea in Genesis but Noah should have been drowned too  

  8. leave it to evolve in its own time

  9. Stop all wars

  10. Wow thats a loaded question.The world needs so much doing to it first stop killing each other & animals for the sake of it.The human race seems to want nothing but to kill thats the money men.They thrive on greed at the expense of all mankind.I would love to see peace & people & animals  treated kindly.

  11. 1st, I would down size the federal government and make them accountable for their actions.2nd Stiffer laws for child molesters, rapest anyone that causes harm to others.3rd Legalize pot. They don't hurt anyone. Tax the rich, and not the poor. Kick lazy people off welfare and MAKE them work. I could go on for awhile, but this just a few.  

  12. Unify and co-ordinate research and development around the world so that there was only just enough healthy competition to spur it on. This would be to progress science and technology at a faster rate and to avoid un-necessary duplication of effort.

  13. Tear down the barriers

  14. Make right-wing people see sense. The world would be a better place without right-wing politics. After all, it was those politics that denied the masses the vote and any say whatsoever in the countries they lived in. It was also right-wing people who got in the way of giving education to all.

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