
What would you do to reduce global warming?

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What would you do to reduce global warming?




  1. I would get a electric car and add solar panels to my house. you really don't see solar panels anywhere;we need to have cleaner energy.

  2. I would try to figure out how to control earth's natural processes.

  3. Stop giving the UN money.

  4. First, these are already being invented, but electric cards, reduse smoke towers. Ride bike, don't use so much hot water.

    All these WILL help our planet!

  5. Getting out of the gas machine, start riding bicycles

  6. Here is a list of things I have down that many also could do. Many of these options are either low to no cost, with almost all of them saving you money over time.

    1. Reduce, Reuse Recycle (Ever notice reduce comes first?)

    2. If you own a vehicle own a higher efficient one like a hybrid.

    3. Live downtown and rarely drive

    4. Give to various environmental charities (Union of concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Club, etc).

    5. Go Vegan. Probably one of the greatest positive impacts an individual can have on the environment as meat production in more energy intensive, and creates massive amounts of methane (20x's more powerful than CO2), as well as takes us to 16 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef).

    6. Buy local goods. Being a locovore is key to helping the environment when our food is shipped an average of 1600 miles. I buy at the local co-ops and farmers markets. I also buy local woods, fragrance sprays, clothing and more. Whatever I can find that is of decent quality and price I buy over non-local.

    7. Gardening: I have planted many bushes trees and flowers over the last few years. I also have a food garden that brings local and sustainability to a whole new level.

    8. Compost: Saves loads on trash and I need not by fertilizers which are often petroleum based. I also save on having buy and to ship in extra dirt.

    9. Travel Less: Especially buy plane which literally releases tones of CO2 per passenger per trip.

    10. Promote Awareness: We can't do this alone

    11. Write elected officials to create green laws.

    12. Put CFL's or LED's throughout your whole house.

    13. Use solar and crank flashlights: They save me money and the environment in energy as well as the embodied energy of batteries.

    14. Use tote bags :America uses over 380 billion bags a year that will not decompose in the landfills.

    15. Drink filtered not bottled water which takes petroleum for each bottle you drink and through away.

    16. Throw away a little as possible: I often find uses of people who want things in which many would through away out of sheer laziness.

    17. Buy hemp clothing: grows more prolifically than cotton, is stronger fabric making it last longer, and requires no pesticides.

    18. Buy recycled goods such as toilet paper, reclaimed materials for shoes, used clothing and construction materials, etc.

    19. Add extra insulation to you house.

    20. Walk or bike where possible; Or if you must take public transportation.

  7. recalling averting i can

  8. cut human population. cars for disabled only.

  9. be a vegetarian.. seriously..

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