
What would you do to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies?

by Guest60990  |  earlier

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We keep talking about pro-choice vs. pro-life, but forget trying to stop the symptom of the problem, how do we solve the real problem? How do you reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies? I think abstinence is part of the solution but only part of it. What would you add?




  1. More s*x education and by making birth control readily available for people of all socio-economic classes.

  2. People need to be taught intensely that bringing endless numbers of kids into a world that can't support them is not an option--and then they need to be taught how to keep that from happening and given the tools to do it.

  3. Education and give them a reason not to get pregnant. Early on get them involved in continuing education and showing them that early pregnancy can really have a significant impact on their future. Schools and Parents need to do a much better job, other then that there isn't a whole lot the Federal Gov't can do to prevent people getting pregnant

  4. - Make condoms/birth control easier to get ahold of....?

    You can't really. It's all individual responsiblity.

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