
What would you do to solve the african dictator / dictatorship problem?

by  |  earlier

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your answer can be slightly stupid and not realy work in the long run, but im just curious to know some basic solutions.




  1. Robert Mugabe? Take him out!!!

    Kibaki & Odinga? Some serious cracking together of heads.

    Kagame? Support him (and pray for Rwanda (& Burundi)).

    Generally, support the democrats and the trying-to-be-democrats, ostracize the tyrants and dictators, and selectively remove the really bad guys with the message "Hey, you guys, get it together or we'll be back!"

  2. Invasion and conquest is the only sure guarantee to get who you like in power.

  3. How about we solve the American dictator/dictatorship problem first?  Let's take care of our own problems.  Repeal the Patriot Act, Real ID Act, Military Commissions Act, and the War Powers Act.  Then ban signing statements.

  4. Bombs and good ol' fashioned lead?

  5. Send them Barack Hussein Obama to solve their problems and provide them change.

  6. maybe all the "african" americans can invade and take over control. lol

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