
What would you do to someone who f***d you around??

by  |  earlier

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what would you do if someone, who s mentally unstable (to say the least), attempted to get you evicted from a shared property with utterly false allegations and then organised a drug raid (obviously, completely ungrounded)?? this girl is REALLY gone psycho on my gf and they both go to the same course in uni together. gf s worried bout next year and i feel hopeless. what would you do guys?

(bear in mind that kicking her *** wouldnt help - she d probably involve the police. uni wont help either, cause there s no evidence for harrassment. the police wont do much, apart from having given her 2 warnings).

ideas appreciated.




  1. nothing I can say in public or on the internet

  2. I would report her. maybe try to move, ohave a restraining order against her.

    i know that these all seem unrealistic but i am not sure, it seems this girl has pulled out all the stops to have her away and clearly she is not afraid to play with fire

    maybe ask a thug to scare the c**p out of her into knocking off her crazy behavior

  3. Fabricate a scenario where she has threatened someone with bodily harm,  and file for a retraining order. Make sure you have three to four credible witnesses. I mean, if the police raided your residence and found nothing, shouldn't have to try to hard here. You are in college?

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