
What would you do to win 'the war on drugs' and why do you think it will work??

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What would you do to win 'the war on drugs' and why do you think it will work??




  1. Go after the users.

    For example - nobody can participate in a licensed occupation for five years after the conviction of any drug offense - no matter how minor.  (This is everything from hairdressers to doctors.)

    Doing this will generate a large drug-free pool of people.  Then peer pressure will cause others to stay drug free.

  2. Check link below . You will discover the answer.

  3. Make the sale, distribution and transportation of drugs a capital offense and reduce the appeals process to a maximum of 120 days from trial sentencing to the Supreme Court and back. Set aside one day a year as "Federal Drug Day" and invite all users who refuse rehabilitation to visit any Federal health facility for a free dose of whatever they are on. Then give each a lethal overdose.

    It's called culling.

  4. Stop the war on drugs and focus on the real problems. Racism, poverty, ignorance, unemployment, health care and social injustice. These are the main reasons people turn to drugs, a sense of hopelessness and no hope for the future

  5. 1.) Re-instate death penalty for drug lords.

    2.) US military can burn coca and opium plantation everywhere. Especially in Taliban controlled areas and in Colombia.

    This is a double edge sword.  Putting a dent in Terrorism and the proliferation of drugs.

  6. If the Leaders of the Country get determined they could make a vast difference in asking /motivating, in the fashion they manage their election campaigns, appealing to the young to keep away from drugs.

  7. The 'War on Drugs' was lost before they knew what to call it! The only way to win it, is to end it: de-criminalize, educate, regulate and tax drug abuse out of existence. This would work but then we would have to deal with all of the otherwise useless unemployed cops, judges, lawyers and crooked politicians who have built their lives and reputations on this issue.

  8. The first thing I'd do is get rid of all the TV ads for drugs of all kinds. That to me is where the war on drugs should begin. Don't think for one moment that if pot could not be regulated and grown by the government, taxed, that it wouldn't become a legal drug and advertised on the TV and in magazines as well. Just a thought. Just because a drug is brought over the boarder and smuggled in by no means makes  it the only drug we should be fighting against.

  9. It would take the CIA to stop transporting it.  No, it wont work because the government makes too much money off of it.

  10. For starters: stop advertising the c**p. They declare how many  pills they make and then twice as many show up on the street. They're pedding dog pills as people pills. They peddle pills that have never worked, they're peddling pills in school. And then there's crack and meth etc, which gives the gov. something to misdirect to.

  11. Execute the drug traffickers and pushers, it may make them think twice.

  12. Solve the children's problems.

    The missing link in the generation gap.

    The loss of our creator's universal gifts of life with the fishing line, hooks and sinkers vital for the survival and advancement of themselves.

    Solve the mess.

    The drugs will disappear in time.

    At present they were just drowning their sorrows with emptiness in their lives without being aware of it. and self destruct in time with it.

    Revealation 22.13-17

    What do you think?

  13. Legalize Marijuana

    Military assault on the Cartels

  14. legalize it but increase the price of drug manufacturing by 1000% which will stop the people making it which in turn will stop users..

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